He cares?

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[ J O N A T H A N ]
I needed to talk to my sister. yes I have a sister. She is 18 her name is Charlotte. She lives in NewYork with my dad. She wanted to go to NY only for college only but then my parents got divorced so she moved earlier.

I called her. it was 11:30pm here so it was 1am over there.

I dialed her number and it rang.

C: hello?

J: hey Charlotte. It's Jonathan

C: Jonathan!! Oh my goodness I haven't heard from you or mom in forever.

I smiled hearing her voice. oh how I miss my sister.

J: it's been too long how are you?

C: I'm good how about you?

J: I've been better.

C: everything okay?

J: it's a long story.

C: I have time.

I spent an hour explaining to Charlotte everything that happens from getting jess pregnant to asking her out to chelsea.

C: wow little bro. First of all. YOU ARE 16 JONATHAN AND YOU GOT A GIRL PREGNANT!!!!!! Second of all, give her space. Girls need space sometimes. where is she now?

J: she is upstairs in her room.

C: okay wait till tomorrow. Talk to her. Explain what really happened.

J: Charlotte I've tried talking to her but she won't listen. I can't see her like that hurt and broken. I love her.

C: yeah your fucked up J.

J: hahah your funny Charlotte like I didn't know that. I need advise.

C: she saw everything right?

J: yeah she saw everything.

C: okay wow. Girls are stubborn.

J: yeah I see that.

C: HEY!! anyway do something nice. but don't buy he roses. do a picnic or something and explain to her what happened. LIKE IN HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!!!

J: high school musical?
My sister is 18 but she has the mind of a 12 year old.

C: YEAH! Gabriela was mad at Troy so what Troy did was that he climbed the thing that is connected to a window and she could go outside without em falling. ugh I forgot what they were called. anyway he sang the song that they sang when they first meet. Do Something like that.

J: that really worked?

C: well it did in the movie.

J: *sigh okay C I'll do it.

C: awesome well I have to go but if anything call me.

J: thanks sis

C: trust me everything will be okay.

J: I love you.

C: love you too little bro.

With that we hanged up.

I looked at the clock it was 2:57 almost 3 in the morning. I'm not going to school tomorrow. I heard something came from the stairs. I looked over there to see nothing.

I went upstairs to my room. I couldn't sleep.

{ J E S S I C A }

I woke up. It was Tuesday. Ugh I'm not going to school today. I turned around to see it was 12pm. no use anyway.

I couldn't sleep last night. I was cold. I tried to close my eyes and fall sleep but I couldn't. It was impossible. I looked out my window to look at all the stars.

After a while of staring I went downstairs for a cup of milk to seen if that would help me sleep.

I was on the stairs when I heard Jonathan's vice.

I went down a few more steps trying not to make any noise to notice that he was talking on his phone. I couldn't hear what the other line was saying but. I heard Jonathan clearly.

"she is upstairs in her room."

Is he talking about me?

"Charlotte I've tried talking to her but she won't listen. I can't see her like that hurt and broken. I love her."

Who is Charlotte? He loves me?

"hahah your funny Charlotte like I didn't know that. I need advise"

Advise on what? I'm so confused.

"yeah she saw everything."

Wait. advise, saw everything, broken and hurt, her room.

He is talking to someone about what happens with chelsea. he is look for advise to solve this problem.

That thought made a small smile appear on my lips.

I zoned out until I heard

"that really worked"

What worked?

" *sigh okay C I'll do it."

He'll do what? Who is Charlotte? Who is C?

"thanks sis"
"I love you"

Omg Charlotte is his sister. Wait I thought Jonathan was an only child?

I went back upstairs so he wouldn't know I was spying on him. I laid on my bed looking at my white cealing.

Does he care?

I got up from my bed. Combed my hair and put it up onto a messy point tail.

I turned on the t.v.

I really didn't watch t.v I was just replaying what happens yesterday in my head.

I thought

Does he really care?

He has a sister?

What Is he planning?

That was until I heard a knock on my door.


Hey guys it's maddie here.

Thank you so so much for the 18K. I love you all.

It feels good updating on Mondays.

Anyway I have a few questions for you guys.

A) what do you guys want the baby to be?

B) would you subscribe if I became a youtuber?

C) do you guys want chelsea to keep attacking or have Jonathan and Jessica deal with her one last time and she is gone.

D) how old are my readers?

Well that is it for today.

Till next time

~maddie 😘

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