Cassidy & Ashton

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Wait what!!

"Wait your saying I only have one baby instead of two" I asked making sure I heard the right thing.

"Yeah babe you lost the girl"Jonathan looked at me

I didn't say anything else.

I wasn't mad
I wasn't Sad
I wasn't happy
I wasn't glad.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Babe please talk to me" JONATHAN looked at me with pleading eye

I didn't know what to think or say.

I sighed.
"I'm not mad Jonathan" I whispered.
I didn't think he heard but he did.

"You aren't" he asked me.

I shake my head no.

Jonathan takes his hand in mine.

"You know babe I am sorry for keeping it this long, but just know that I love you very very much. and that as long as you are mine you are not going to be alone." he lifted his hand and set it on my cheek and he stroke my cheek with his thumb.

"And no matter what babe, I'll be there and we'll get through this together" he finished saying.

I put my hand on top of his hand.

"You know how much I love you right." I said but I didn't let him answer I kissed him. It was a kiss, not like any other, the kiss was full of love and passion and love.

I felt the whole zoom but like 10x crazier.

We stopped kissing. he looked at me and I looked at him.

"Babe I have to go to the bathroom" I said

We both started laughing.

Jonathan helped me up and I walked to the bathroom.

I did my jazzzz and shizzzzz and flizzzzzz

I was on the second to last stair when I felt my pants wet.

And then I started to get pain around my lower part.

I screamed.
(A/n: I really don't know how the whole baby thing works exactly like every detail so just go along with it)

"JONATHAN AMANDA MY WATER BROKE" As soon as I said that they were both helping me.

"Let get her in the car" said Amanda.

I was sitting in the back with Jonathan while Amanda say in the front driving.

"Breathe jess breathe" he said.

The more I breathed the worst the pain got.

Then a contraction hit me.

I screamed for my dear life.

"Okay okay" said Jonathan probably not knowing what to do.

Amanda was driving fast, so fast I thought she was auditioning for the movie fast 7 ( a/n: creds love the whole series).

Then another contraction hit me.

But this one hurt.

I screamed out in pain.

"Okay babe we are here" Jonathan said and i looked at him he was sweating. like sweating so bad that you saw the stains.

I nurse came out with a wheel chair. I didn't know if I was going to be able to sit on it but whatever.

16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now