The first morning sickneness

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~ Monday Morning ~

I woke up and turned off my alarm. It took me a few minutes to process the fact that it was Monday and I had school l. UGH.

I headed off to the shower and once I got out I got dressed. I put on black skinny jeans, a Nirvana T-shirt and my black converse with my favorite flannels wrapped around my waist.

I straighten my hair and put a black beanie that said "you complete mess" (a/n: some of you may get this ;)) I was about to grab my phone to go downstairs but instead I ended up going to my bathroom and puked my guts out.

I figured it was something I ate yesterday at Victoria yesterday. Yesterday, Tiffany, Victoria  and I met up at the mall, shopped and and talked about what happened on Friday, not that I wanted to remember. I added a little bit more of my Victoria secrets spray so I didn't smell like vomit, and it worked.

This time I did grab my phone and keys and headed down stairs. I found my mom cooking breakfast.

The smell of pancakes and bacon made me want to jump up and down like a little girl. I contained my self and headed for the kitchen.

"hey sweetie, I heard you throwing up upstairs, you ok?,"My mom asked as I walked in the kitchen that smelled like heaven.

"yeah, I'm fine. just that I had too much candy yesterday with the girls."I responded.

she nodded and went back to cooking. I felt somethings vibrate in my hand, obviously it was my phone. It was Tiffany.

Tiffany The Great:
I'm outside whore.

Okay thot, my mom made breakfast. Park the car in my driveway and come in.

Tiffany The Great:
Pancakes and Bacon?


Tiffany The Great:
AH I love your mother.

Alright hurry up or else we're gonna be late.

It was a matter of seconds that she parked the car and walked in.


She yelled. My mom and I just laughed.

We had breakfast, and said goodbye to my mom. Then headed for hell, I mean school.

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