Something doesnt seem right

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The next morning I woke up thinking about what happened last night. Do I like Jonathan, or was it just part of the moment? I was debating over if I liked him or not while adding mascara when all of a sudden I feel a wave of dizziness hit me. I ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out.....AGAIN!!

I heard footsteps walking in but I was to busy vomiting. someone opened the doors I could see very well my vision was kind of blurry but I assumed it was a guy. it was Jonathan.

"Omg jess, babe are you okay?" He asked concern and worries written all over his face.

I was going to reply okay but I just liked into the toilet again.

"You know what I'm just going to go get my mom."he said

I grabbed him by the arm.

"No Jonathan I'm fine, just morning sickness that is all. just help me get up" I said

Jonathan grabbed me by my hands and helped me up.

When he saw my face he started laughing.

"How rude. I know I look horrible but no need to rub it in my face." I said crossing my arms over my chest

"No babe. l-look a-at the m-mirror." he couldn't contained his laughter.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the mirror... omg I had mascara down my cheek. to admit it was pretty funny. I think I must have done that when I ran to the bathroom.

Jonathan's laughter died down so I smacked his arm playfully.

"But you still look beautiful anyway." he said putting his arms around my waist.

"Well why thank you" I said putting my arm around his neck.

I was going to kiss him but his finger met my lips.

I gave him a confused look and he said "brush your teeth first and then I'll kiss you"

I laughed. I kicked him out of my room so I could finish getting ready.

I headed downstairs to see Amanda cooking breakfast.

"Morning Amanda" I said taking an apple from the basket of fruits.

"Buenos Dias Jessica" she said stopping what she was doing to look at me.

"I heard you vomiting, are you okay sweet heart." she said with concern

"No yeah I'm fine, just morning sickness you know" I said rubbing my stomach.

"Oh right. you don't look like your 2 months." she said returning her attention to the food

"Well why thank you." I said biting into my apple smiling.

"Oh Jessica taking about two months have you had a doctor appointment yet?" She asked

I swallowed the bite of apple.

"No I haven't with you know everything that has been going on I haven't been able to make one." I said

"Oh no worries of you want I'll call and book and appointment for tomorrow." she said.

"Thank you so much" I said.

"No problem. hey Jessica can you go call Jonathan for me, he is taking a while." she said looking at the clock on the wall

"Yeah sure" I hopped off the counted and headed upstairs.

I decided to scare him so right now I was tip toeing across the hall.

I reached his room. he was on the phone. something didn't feel right about this so I stayed and listened.

"No. Okay I said no and that is final" he said

I couldn't hear what the other line was saying but it sounded like a girl.

"You know what chelsea I'll meet you after school. you know where." after I heard that line he was about to come out so I tip toed/ran to my room. he had gone into the bathroom I did the same downstairs.

"Tell Jonathan I'm at school I forgot I had a volleyball meeting today. I'll see you later Amanda" I screamed out.

I grabbed my bag and headed to my car.

I didn't really have a volleyball meeting that is Afterschool I just needed to be alone.

I can't believe he was taking to chelsea and that he is planning on meeting her afterschool. why wasn't I good enough for him.

I was driving around in circles in the school parking lot pretending to be looking for parking when really I just wanted to buy time. I saw a parking space and decided to just park and get over it. I parked and started walking to school.

As I was entering a couple was making out against the school old brick wall. I had to hold out my puke. they were eating each other's faces off. I couldn't see who it was until they stopped and decided for air.

I couldn't believe my eyes........


OMG OMG I'm soooo sorry that I missed last weeks update so I'll be updating tomorrow (sunday). I love you guys. thank you for all the support. I can't believe we are at 11K thanks you so so much.

Till next time

~maddie 😘

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