Rise and Shine

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Jonathan's POV:

I woke up with a huge headache. I looked to the other side of the bed to see an empty space and Jessica was no longer there.

I frowned and went looking for her, I looked everywhere! The kitchen, living room, bathroom, dinning room, guest room and every other room in this house including the yard and front porch but no sign of Jessica anywhere.

I was mad and angry that she left me like that, but I really didn't put mind to it. I just went back inside like nothing ever happened.

Jessica's POV:

I woke up to feel something wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes and saw Jonathan's arm wrapped around me.

I looked down, wishing that I had clothing on but I was disappointed. I lifted up Jonathan's arm, trying not to wake him up and rolled out of bed.

I felt a headache coming up but I didn't mind it. I remember somethings from last night but not all. I was slightly confused.

I went downstairs wishing that one of the girls were passed out in the living room, but I was disappointed again.

I had my keys in my bag, thank god I didn't leave it around. I grabbed it from the hanger next to the door and headed out, still not believing that I had it with Jonathan Garcia.

I got home wishing that my mom wasn't home. I opened the door and saw her there sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand watching tv, this was a morning if disappointments. As soon as she heard the door open, she looked over at me with a dead glare. As I walked in she got up and asked me

" where have you been all night"? I didn't now what to respond and said

" I slept over at Vanessa's". I knew it was wrong to lie but I was just panicking.

"ok, but don't go off like that without telling me, you had me worried" she responded.

I just nodded and headed for my room. I opened the door to my room, threw everything on my desk and headed to the shower. After the shower I walked onto my walk in closet picking up a pair of shorts and a tank top. I got dressed and put my hair into a messy pony tail.

I had a huge Headache so I went to my mom's bathroom and looked for the Advil. I had it with some water and went back to my room. I felt horrible so I just laid on my bed, re thinking everything that happens last night. I felt more than horrible about it. I've always been thought that no sex after marriage. I fell asleep and woke up to a beeping alarm.

A/N :

Hey guys. sorry about not updating in a while. I kind of updated this part so there is a new chapter.

Love you guys.

~ maddie 😘

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