Early morning talks

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It's been a week since the let me go from the hospital.

It is currently umm idk 4:30am, I'm currently sitting on my rocking door in the living room feeding Cassidy.

I'm rocking back and forth when I heard foot steps.

It was Amanda.

"Hey darling" she told me sleepily.

"Hey Amanda" I said with a yawn.

"You look tired sweetpea" she said sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in her hands.

"Well waking up at 4 and then 6 in the morning for the past week, it get tiring, why you up?"
I asked chuckling looking down at my baby girl.

"Trust me I know I've done it twice, I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep" she said chuckling.

"Twice, you mean Jonathan's sister" I said still rocking looking at her.

(A/n: in the first few chapters she finds out she has a sister if any of yall remember)

"Oh I didn't know JONATHAN told you" she said.

"Oh no he didn't tell me I just over heard him having a conversation with her" I said seeing that Cassidy was falling asleep.

"Well then..." she said.

"Umm Amanda, could you maybe explain about Jonathan's sister, I mean if you are fine with it." I said removing the bottle from Cassidy's mouth and rocking back and forth making sure she fell alseep.

"Oh yeah. well her name is Charlotte but we all call her C." she said a tear dropping from her eye.

"We all used to live as a happy family. but we I mean me Jonathan, C and their father. we were a really close family. That time Jonathan was 13
And Charlotte was 15. They were really close. Then C started to get bullied at school. I wouldn't say she was over weight, she was average,but to the other girls she was over weight.
C became anorexic. she stopped eating. I never noticed cause she had her tricks and ways. Whenever we would eat together she would be the slowest, until we all left the table and she would throw out her food. It went like that for about a month. I started to notice how thin and sick looking she was getting. I told her father but that just brought problems to our marriage. I wanted to take her to a doctor but she would refuse. One day we were ready to go out she collapsed. we rushed her to her hospital. she was weighing only 80 pounds. she got tubbed. After about a year, they got her off the tube and she went back to being a healthy 128 pounds. and she would eat but not like she should. Me and her father were arguing a lot. the whole medical thing brought a lot of bills and budget cuts to the family. It got bad so me and her father had to divorce. he moved to NY and C decided to go along with him. for the first few months she would contact me everyday, then it moved to one a week, then to once a month and now I haven't talked to her in a while. she is now 19." she said

"I miss my baby girl" she said looking down at her mug.

"What about Jonathan" I asked quietly.

"He was only 13 at the time. He wanted to do nothing but hangout with his friends. he also played football so if he wasn't at the field he was at his friends john house. then when C moved away it hit him hard he didn't go to football for a good 3 months and he lost contact with his friends. he just went to school and came back." she said.

"But you know Amanda, I'm glad he met you. he seems so happy now." she said looking at me in the eyes.

"And I'm happy I met you cause you remind me a lot of C" she said.

"You are like a daughter to me" she said grabbing onto may hand.

"Thank you Amanda, I'm very grateful of netting Jonathan and you." I said standing up and giving her a side hug cause I was holding Cassidy.

While we were hugging I heard cries upstairs.

"Well dutie calls" I said

"You know what JESSICA, go out Cassidy to bed I'll get Ashton and you should go to bed you look really tired" she suggested.

"You sure, I mean I could just-
She cut me off

"No no I got it, that way I could spend some time with my grandson" she said.

"Thank you" I told her meaning it.

I went upstairs but Cassidy down and went back to my room. Jonathan was sleeping on my bed.

I laied down next to him slowly trying to to wake him.

Then out of no where I felt his arm snake around my waist and snuggle me into his chest.

"Jesus babe, you scared me" I said.

"Kind of the idea, where were you" he said yawning.

"Feeding Cassidy" I said

"And talking to your mom" I said

"About,,," he said

"Just go back to sleep" I said getting comfortable under the sheets and cuddling next to him.

"How is it that you've known her for Almost half a year and your already keeping secrets from me" he said.

"Just go back to sleep, we"lol talk in the morning, love you" I said kissing his cheek.

"Yeah yeah" he said snuggling next to me.

"You don't love me" I asked pretending to be hurt.

"Just go back to sleep" he said mocking me.

Oh how I love this guy .

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