Anything for my girl

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"You are having a boy and a girl." said the nurse.

A huge smile spread through my face and a few tears here and there. Amanda was full time crying.

"Do you want any pictures?" Asked te nurse

"Yeah 3 please" I said.

The nurse went back into a room go get the pictures.

She came back a few minutes and handed the pictures to Amanda.

"Any questions before I clean you up" said June.

"Yeah, I feel very small to be almost 4 months and having twins. is that normal." I asked getting a bit worried.

"Actually yes. your small because your babes are going to be small" she said with a small chuckles.

"Oh okay so there is nothing wrong with me?" I asked

"Nope. your twins are perfectly healthy" she said.

She cleaned me up. me and Amanda signed me out. On our way out I see the one and only

"Omg Jessica. hi" she says with a smile that is 100000% fake

"What bring your around here" she asks.

I wasn't going to let the bitch that ruined my relationship with Jonathan know that I was pregnant.

"Oh nothing much just came here with my aunt, she is having twins" I said. giving her and annoyed look.

"What brings you around here?" I ask with a fake ass smile.

"Well can you kept a secret?" She says

Ha bitch please.



"Well I think I'm pregnant" she said.

My jaw dropped, my mind was going 100000 miles an hour.

"Well I have to go, congratulations" I said not even looking at her.

I had so many things going through my head.

What if it's Jonathan's?

What if she is pregnant with my boyfriend?

We were back in the car. Blasting out music and just enjoying ourselves. Amanda got my thoughts distracted asking questions about how I feel being a mom and all.

I love Amanda like my own mom.

We reached the house, Amanda parked the car.

I step on the door and put the key in, to see that the door is already open.

I opened the the door and notice a bunch of rose pedals, creating like a path.

It lead me to the back yard, the sprinklers were on. At the end of the trail there was a note.

I love it when I compliment you turn red as a rose. The sprinklers remind me of the day I asked you to be my girlfriend.
Continue the path, find out what I love most about you.
~xo your boyfriend.

I couldn't swipe off the grin on my face. I looked to see there was a path of rocks.

I followed it. It lead me to the front of the house.

Then there was another note attached.

Your good at this. Find out what I love most about you. read the rocks.
~ xoxo your boyfriend

The grin on my face just got wider, if that was possible.

I looked to see another trail of huge rocks.

I read over the rocks it had letters craved into it.

I love how you blush when I compliment you.

I continued.....

I love how you get along so well with my mom.

I love how you always have the words to say.

I love how you prefer to wear your glasses than your contacts.

I love how I could tell you anything and everything.

I love how you make me a better person.

Until I reached a huge huge rock, it didn't say anything but an arrow.

I was back at the backyard.

I looked to see where the arrow was facing to see Jonathan in a suit and tie holding flowers.

"But most importantly jess, I love you."
"I love you, it took me all the courage in the world to say this, but I love you. everything you saw that happened with chelsea, she made me do it. I didn't kiss her and when she kissed me I didn't fell anything. Nothing like when I kiss you jess. I love you." he said

With that I ran my way over to him and jumped.

He caught me and hold me by the back of my thighs making me a bit taller than him.

"I love you Jonathan Perez" I said

"And I love you Jessica James"

With that I bowed my head and out lips connected.

It was like a zoom on the Fourth of July with fireworks and at night with the twinkiling of stars.

"Thank you" I said looking up at him as he put me down.

"For what" he likens confused?

"For everything, for making me feel loved" I said.

He kissed me again.

"Anything for my girl" he said putting his forehead on mine.

My heart fluttered.

I felt it, for once in my whole entire life, I felt what love is, I felt loved.


Hey baes
Maddie here.

So I decided not to let yo guys off with a cliffhanger. Here is my Tuesday update.

So surprise, suprise huh. well hope you guys enjoy.

And go subscribe to my YouTube channel.

I don't have the best quality yet and stuff, but I will soon.

My YouTube channel is maddie Duran.

You could also follow my Instagram
Maddie Duran

And my Twitter

Well comment what you think so far.

I love you guys so so much.

Till next time

~maddie 😘

16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now