Haii loves

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Heyy loves, Maddie here.

It's been forever since I've updated, almost 6 months I think. I can't believe it's been almost 3 years since I published this story.

Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know that the cover content is still being held, sorry I've been on "pause" with the contest.

If you want to know how to enter, you could read that last author'a note in the last chapter/update. The only thing is DO NOT SEND IT TO THE KIK I POSTED. I got hacked to all of my kik accounts so I no longer use it. You could send it to

Instagram DM:
@/ Justcallmemadeline

* mind you I am a private account, so in your bio please have "MWP" so I know you come from wattpad, you could take it down once I've accepted you. *

And you could also send it to my wattpad DM.

Any questions comment them or DM me about them.

Also thank you guy so so so much for all of the support. This story has blown up. I did not think it was going to be as successful. I was around 11 - 12ish when I wrote this (don't judge me idk what I was thinking 😂) so it's just amazes me that people actually like this lol.

I'm thinking about writing another story, one that would make sense and have a better sequence and plot (because I'm obviously more mature than I was 3 years ago 😂). Let me know your opinion, especially since I'm officially on summer break, it'll probably finish it sooner.

Love you guys. 💖

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