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We got to school a little later that usual ( traffic problems ) Tiffany went around the parking lot in circles looking for parking I found one in between Victoria's car and a black car. It was weird cause I have never seen this car but I didn't mind. We grabbed out bags bag and got out. We entered the hallway, said a quick goodbye and went straight to our lockers .

I was finishing taking out books when the bell rang. I closed my lockers and turned around when I saw Jonathan as usual with his jerk jocks of friends he saw me and just continued talking. Acting like nothing happened. I got pissed.

why would he do that!? But then yet he is the most popular player/jock in the school so he probably does the same thing with every girl he hooks up with.

I headed to my first period class which was English. I walked in the class and as soon as I did I heard my name. I looked and of course it was Vanessa who called me. I smiled to her and she smiled back. I took the seat next to her and said

Me : "Hey girl"

Van: "Hey, what you up too"

Van : " Same thing as you .....

"English" we both said at the same time.

We both hated English. wait no let me rephrase that, everyone hated english. All we did was read the lamest books ever. Don't get me wrong I love to read, but the books that we read are the kind that you felt like you just died during the beginning because of how boring it was, yeah those kind. Besides  that Mr. Pipper always kept cracking " jokes" that weren't even cheesy. LONGEST PERIOD EVER !!!!

Besides English the morning went by kind of fast. Vanessa had to leave early cause she had the stomach flu or something like that and I barley had classes with Tiffany, so I guess it was just me for today.

Next period was lunch. I went to my locker and put my book bag away but I took with me TFIOS { the fault in our stars} it was probably my third time reading it but every time I read it, it gets better.

I got on line and got my lunch. The usual salad, water bottle, but this time I brought an apple a a muffin along. IDK why but I was really hungry today.

I had my lunch tray and went outside. I sat down leaning against a tree on the grass and started reading my book while eating my salad. not many people were outside so it was peaceful. peaceful until the jocks came out. GREAT!

The jocks came out at sat at their table outside. It wasn't far from the tree I was sitting at so it was hard to concentrate so I got up and moved to the most far away tree there was. But as I got up, I feel like someone was starring at me I turned around and no one was looking at me. I brushed it of and continued walking.


Me and my friends went outside cause it was boring inside. As soon as I go outside I see Jessica. she is so beautiful. She was reading a book, she looked very peaceful.

Me : "hey guys why don't we go inside it's too hot outside " I told the guys trying not to disturbs her peace

Guys: " no it's boring inside it's not hot the wind is blowing"

Me: "fine"

The table we sat on outside was near the tree Jessica was at. we went to sit and she got up. she looked disturbed. I knew it. As she was walking to another spot I couldn't lay my eyes of her. The way her brown wavy hair whooshed side to side as she walked that was until she turn around, I turned around back to the group and act like nothing happened. she turned back around and I watched her at the corner of my eye until one of the guys asked me a question that was when I got back to reality.


To all my readers:

Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating in a long while. I had some friends over from Miami so I spent a whole lot of time with them. But I'll try I update as much as possible every Saturday, yeah every Saturday. Oh and please wave comments on how to make my story better, I feel like I'm horrible at writhing.

To my old readers:

Also I changed the names { you don't need to know why} so to keep you guys updated

JL: Jonathan Garcia

Victoria { torii }: Tiffany

Brianna { bg} : Vanessa

Love you guys

~ maddie 😘

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