Time To Party

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We went into the mansion we called Jonathan's House and were welcomed by the smell of alcohol, I almost threw up but thank god that didn't happen.

I rarely went to parties so I just leaned against the kitchen counter with a coke in my hands and watching how ridiculous everyone acted when they were drunk.

While I was bored out of my mind, Vanessa and Tiffany were flirting with some guys they were introduced to.

I decided to I need some fresh air. I went down through a hallway that seemed to go on forever until I reached two glass doors and opened them.

The nice New York air hit my arms and it felt good. We were in the middle of spring so it wasn't too cold, but it wasn't hot either, it was sweater weather. I leaned against the railing and looked out, the view was amazing. You could see the empire state building from here, but I mean he does live on the upper east side. It started getting cold and I didn't have a sweater with so me I decide to go back in.

I went again through the long hallway and ended in the living room where Vanessa and Tiffany were dancing.

They saw me and grabbed my arm and pulled me into the dance floor. I stood there not knowing what to do.

"Dance" Vanessa yelled at me through the loud music. she was drunk, you could smell it in her breath.

"what do I do?" I screamed back.

Tiffany started to dance to the music and stopped and yelled at me "just let yourself loose"

At first I was really awkward, had no clue what or how to dance, but the I kind of started following the people around me. It felt great letting go of myself. Once I got the hang of it, there was no stopping me.

My feet were killing me after a while so decided to go to the kitchen and find something to drink.

Not a while after Vanessa and Tiffany came stumbling in. They grabbed a shot from the island and told me too drink it. I didn't bother on arguing with them because It was useless, two drunk girls who don't take no for an answer, let's just say you don't really get options here.

I gulped it down and at first it burned my throat, but the I liked it. Wanting more I had a few more shots, well I lost count of how many I had, by the time I got out of the kitchen I was drunk. The whole world was spinning. I had no idea what I was doing.

A few minutes later I saw the most beautiful face in the world, Jonathan's face. He was perfect. He had brown locks of hair that went everywhere, big brown eyes that made you melt, and a smile that is unexplainable. He put his arms around my waist as we danced together. It was amazing.


She was beautiful.

The way she move and the way her chocolate brown tips moved as she dances. she had an amazing body.

I really didn't know who she was, until she turned around and I was able to see her face.

It was Jessica!

I was in shock, because I never really saw how beautiful she was. she was always just another smart girl who didn't give a care in parties and things like these. She was always the girl that would sit in the back of the class, but had an answer to all the teacher's question. I couldn't resist myself from drooling. I went and put my arms around her, thinking of well just how I wanted her to be mine.

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