Mom, Im preganat!

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It's been 2 weeks since the whole I love you thing. Everything was going crazy. I tried not to be seen by anyone at school and have been pretty much hiding from Jonathan.

I was how 1 month and my baby bump is starting to show. To cover it up lately I've been wearing my favorite jackets.

Vanessa got back from vacation, thank The Lord and Tiffany, is well being Tiffany. I talked tTiffany and Vanessa about telling my mom. We'll lets just say this is how the conversation went,


T: Tiffany

J: Jessica

J: he girlies what's up?

V: hey Jess, nothing just finishing late homework.

T: hey Jess, Hey Vanessa. I'm babysitting, but Luther is sleeping so yeah.

J: sounds like fun. Anyway I've been wanting to tell my mom about the pregnancy.

V: what pregnancy? Are you pregnant Jessica?

J: wait Tiffany you didn't tell her?

T: omg was I supposed too?

J: obviously Tiff

T: I'm sooooo sorry Jess and Vanessa yes she is pregnant

J: *face palm*

V: what! Tell me when,where and especially who!

J: when, when you guys left me at Jonathan's party, where, Jonathan's room, why, idk we were both drunk and who obviously Jonathan.

V: wait! Jonathan as in our school player Jonathan?

T: obviously what other Jonathan do you know?

V: Tiff, SHUT UP and Jess omg, did you tell him yet? How did he react?

J: yeah, at first he acted like a total ass about it and told me how it affected his future and blah blah blah. But the, he calls me forgiving me and asking to be part if the baby's life. He said that he loved me.

*the lines are quiet*

J: I really don't know what to do.

T: just do what you think is best, not only for you but for the baby.

V: yeah she is right. Just do what you think will best affect the both of you.

J: yeah *sigh* anyway about my mom.

T: I think you should tell her

V: yeah me 2 she will find out anyway.

J: yeah but it's just that I don't know how she is going to react. I'm afraid if she is going to disown me or kick me out of the house.

T: listen babe, if that happens you could come live with me or Vanessa, my parents think of you more than a daughter than me, their biological daughter.

V: yeah bae, you know that me and tiff are always there for you. You have a freaking room for you in my house.

J: yeah you guys are right. I love both if you. Here goes nothing

T: good luck babe, call us after

V: good luck Jess, everything will be fine. I love you.

I smiled reading their text. I put my phone on my nightstand and headed downstairs.

I ran downstairs, not tripping on the stairs to the living room. There was no sigh of my mother. I called out


"Kitchen " she yells. This is it.

I took little steps as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey honey, I was just gonna make us lunch. You hungry"

"Umm.... Not really" I responded

"Oh okay, you were looking for me."

"Yeah I want to tell you something, "

"What's up honey.?" She asks sitting across the island from me, looking at me in the eyes. I tried not to make eye contact with her.

"Mom ...... I'm ........ P-p-preg- pregnant"


Hola my beautiful people. So since I wasn't able to upload Saturday, I uploaded today. Trying to keep my promise. Anyway, I'm having a small writers block about Jonathan. Comment any ideas. Go check out my other story. Everything Has Changed. Remember to follow me on






Till next time

~Maddie 😘

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