Horrible afternoon

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I've been walking to no where in particular with my bag. I really don't know where to go. I don't want to disturb Vanessa's and Tiffany's parents just by showing up.


Wait a second


Fuck it started to rain. I grabbed my bag over my head and ran into a near starbucks. I entered and took a seat and put my stuff under the table. I connected my phone. I remembered I had extra change, so I counted it. I had enough for a double chocolate chip and a muffin. I bought it and sat on my table.

When I finished it stopped raining so I decided to start walking again.

I was walking when a car hit a puddle and wet me.


The car stopped and a guy got out. I couldn't see who it was, so I continued walking.

"Jessica I'm sorry!" screamed the voice.

I froze in my tracks I have no idea who it is and it knows my name.

I turned around and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was....

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