Just tell me

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{J E S S I C A}

2 months later

Well I'm now 9months, lord Jesus I want these babies out of me like right now.

I was currently cuddling watching t.v with Jonathan while Amanda made lunch.

"Hey babe, tomorrow we need to go to school to figure out the homeschooling thing" he said.

Since Jonathan didn't want me to stay home alone all day because I could have these babies any moment.

"Ugh, I'm not going back to that hell hole" I said rolling my eyes.

"How about I go and sign for the both of us" he said kissing my head.

"Thank you babe" I said kissing him.

"You know what would make this any better." I said still looking at him.

"And what's that" he asked.

"If you helped me get up" I said laughing.

He chuckled and helped me up.

"Ugh that was hard work, I just want to hold my baby girl and boy" i said.

(J O N A T H A N)

"Ugh that was hard work, I just want to hold my baby girl and boy" said Jessica.

Holy shit.
I haven't told her about the girl.
I'm screwed.
Holy Jesus.

"Let's go babe" Jessica caught off from my train of thought.

"W-what happened?" I asked confused.

" Your mom called us to lunch" she said chuckling.

I gave an uneasy chuckle.

I got up and helped her up.

We went to the dining room and sat down. my mom brought out the food we sat and ate.

During lunch my mom and Jessica were talking about stuff that I don't even understand. I was busy thinking about what to say.

{J E S S I C A}

Jonathan is hiding something. I know when he is.

I was currently talking to Amanda about baby names. He looked to be in his own thoughts.

He is fiddling with his fingers.
Yep he is hiding something.

We finished lunch I helped Amanda wash the dishes while Jonathan cleaned the table.

"Amanda, do you think Jonathan is hiding something?" I ask her while we wash dishes, my belly getting in the way.

"He did seem kind of off during lunch, go talk o him" she said looking up at me and back down to the dirty plates.

"Yeah I'll talk to him later" I said while drying a plate and setting it down.

"No, go talk to him now" she said laughing.

"But how abou-" I said

"I'll be fine there are only a few dishes left" she said chuckling taking the plate from my hands.

I laughed kisses er check and when out looking for Jonathan.

Amanda is like a mom to me. Thinking about it I've been living with Jonathan for a good 6 months and nothing from my mom.

That brought a few tears to my eyes, but I pushed that thought to the back of my head.

I walk into the dinning room, Jonathan wasn't there. I looked around the house well more like the living room before I got tired and sat on the couch.

I had my phone with me so I just texted him.

To: my love 💖💞

Babe where are you.

From: my love 💖💞
In our room.

To: my love
Come downstairs to cuddle Im to tired and lazy to go upstairs 😒😁

From: my love 💖💞

Be right there babe 😘

And a few minutes later he comes downstairs. and cuddles with me well tries to cuddle.

We were watching the movie when Jonathan pauses it.

"Babe, I need to talk to you" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Everything okay" I asked him sitting up as much as I can to face him.

He sighs.

"Your not cheating on me are you" I said chuckling trying to suck up the awkwardness.

He stayed quite..

"Your not cheating on me right" I said more seriously since he didn't say anything.

"No, no never love, but it's just" he sighs.

"Just what Jonathan" I said getting annoyed that he wouldn't tell me.

"When you were in a coma the doctor told me you lost the baby girl" he said not making eye contact with me.



My phone broke so it was being fixed. I finally got it back and I finally updated.

Thank you so much for the 65k it means so much I love you guys.

Okay so like 3 more chapters and this book is finished.



Not only


That way you guys get to travel along Jessica and Jonathan's life as teen parents.

Also I need you guys to make a ship name for them. I'm horrible so I'm letting you guys do it. just comment then below and I'll pick on and use it in the next chapter.

I'm really sorry it's so short but it's something.

Thank you guys for everything.

Till next time


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