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{J E S S I C A}

I heard a knock on my door.

I didn't move.

Another knock this time with a voice.

"Jessica, it's Amanda, honey remember you have a doctors appointment at 1:30 I'll be going with you" she said.

I sighed in relief.

I looked at the time, it was 1:00.

"Okay Amanda. I'll get ready and then we could head out. gracias" I said

"No problem mija I'll be downstairs" she said.

I was nervous.

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom.

I did my business and took a shower. I got out the shower and put on my towel material robe.

I looked for an outfit.

I was 3 and a half months, but I wasn't as big as I should be and that worried be a bit. I still fit into my everyday clothing.

I decided on light denim Jean shorts a black t-shirt that has "2 cool 4 you" written in white and I tied my red flannel around my waist, I paired this outfit with my red converse.

I went into the bathroom and put my hair in a side braid, washed my teeth and added mascara.

Once I was ready. I grabbed my phone and left downstairs.

As I came down to the living room. Jonathan was there, great.

"Hey" he said.

I gave him a small smile and went into the kitchen.

"Ready mija" said Amanda.

"Si, lets go" I said.

"Jess, here are the keys of the car, turn it on for me, I have to go get my phone from my room." She said handing me the keys.

"Okay" I said.

I took her keys and she left upstairs. I went back to the living room, Jonathan was still there.

I passed by, as I passed i could feel him checking me out, that made me blush a bit.

I was mad at him but he was still the guy I loved.

Wait loved?

[J O N A T H A N]

I was in the living room. when my mom came down.

"Jonathan I'm taking Jessica for an appointment, you'll have the house to your self for a few minutes." she said.

"Okay" I said.

She went Upstairs to call Jessica.

Yes! I'll have time to plan out everything.

{J E S S I C A}

I was currently sitting on a chair in the pregnancy clinic place.

I was extremely nervous.

Amanda was sitting next to me reading a magazine.

I heard a ding and saw a girl that looked about my age walk in. well more like wobbled in. she sat next me and flashed me a smile.

"Hi" she said.

"Hi, my name is Jessica."

"Hi Jessica my name is crystal"

Crystal, just like my sister.

"Crystal you have the same name as my sister." I said

"Really!!" She said surprised.

We talked for a while.

Turns out she is 8 and a half months pregnant and she is also 16.

"Jessica James" said a nurse that looked to be about 20 years old.

"Well that is me, nice meeting you crystal, here let me give you my number so we could keep in contact" I said writing my number on a piece of paper and handing to her.

"Okay, good luck bye" she said

I smiled and got up my seat.

"You ready love" said Amanda.

"Yep" I said popping the P.

I followed the nurse in.

"Hi love, my name is Nurse June, but you could call me June".

"Hi June, I'm Jessica" she smiled.

"Well Jessica, any questions before we start" she said

"No, just one things, please don't judge me because I'm 16 and pregnant." I said biting my nails.

"Oh sweetie, don't worry I'm not here to judge, I had my daughter when I was 16 also so don't worry."

A wave of relief washed over me.

"Okay love, so just lay down here and log your shirt until it reaches the bottom of your chest" she said.

I did as told. she added this really cold blue gel over my stomach and with a wand or stick whatever it's called she went over my stomach.

"Okay Hun, do you hear that" she asks

I listened closely and I heart a heart beat.

"I-is that the heartbeat?" I asked

I was shedding a few tears.

"Yeah, how far are you?" She asked.

"3 months" I said.

"Wait a second" she said a bit confused.

"Is there something wrong June." she asked.

"No, nothing is wrong it just seems like there are two heartbeats" she said.

"2 hearts beats?!!!?"

"Yeah love, your having twins."

Twins, TWINS!!!!!

"You r having a....


Hey guys maddie here.
So here is my MONDAY update. hope you guys enjoyed.

Till next time


16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now