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Crunch crunch.

I heard her footsteps.

They got louder and louder.

My heart was beating a million mile per hour.

My palm feel like goo.

My forehead feels like the sun sat on it.

I was a hot mess.

Then I saw here.

Her beautiful brown hair that she cut not to long ago. Her blue eyes that always change depending of how she feels.

JESSICA JAMES soon to be Jessica Garcia if I start talking now.

"Jessica James, my love, my baby girl my world. You are very thing to me. you have come into my life and flipped it around. we brought two little wonderful kids that have becomes everything to me. Jessica, if it weren't for you I don't know where I would be if I haven't meet you at Josh's party. and to be honest I'm actually glad I got wasted cause if I didn't I would've never met you. I know life is a journey, but I don't want to live it without you."

I went on my left knee and took out the ring.

"Will you Jessica James live the journey with me but not as any girlfriend but as my wife" I asked .

In not going to lie I did have tears coming down from my eyes.



I couldn't even respond. I was sobbing.
My hand was currently on my mouth, tears running one after the other.

I couldn't say anything.

So I just nodded my head. I was able to whisper and yes.

"Yes?" Asked Jonathan

I nodded again.

He jumped up and gave me a hug and spun me around.

He put me down and put on the ring on my right hand.

It was beautiful.

It was silver and the rock was red but it was a shape in a heart.

It was on top of my promise ring Jonathan have me about 5 years ago.

"Awweee" I heard.

I turn around.

Everyone was there.

But then there was one person that I haven't seen in forever.

My mom.


Yeahhhh hey guys. how are ya .

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