Nothing could ruin this night

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She saw us.

"You want to make a break for it." I asked Jonathan still starring at her.

"No, no lets deal with her" he said.

"Omg hi" said chelsea with that fake ass smile.

"Hi" said Jonathan.

I just returned the fake smile.

"What are you guys doing here?" she asked.

"On well me and my girl are on a date" said Jonathan putting his arm around my waist

Those words made me smile. Jonathan saw that and smiled along

"Oh well anyway, I need to talk to you Jonathan about something but I see your busy with your girl so yeah" she said trying to hide her annoyed face with another fake smile

"Well you could talk to me at school I have to go bye" he said hopping on his board me doing the same and we boarded out.

"What happened to mr.nice guy?" I asked laughing.

"Nothing, she is just annoying" he responded

"Tell me about it". I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay so where are you taking your girl to" I asked with a smile.

He looked at me and smiled back knowing at the phrase your girl.

"Well my girl will just have to wait, enjoy the view we will get there in no time." he said taking my hand

I smiled and continued boarding enjoying the view of the Beach.

Jonathan was right in no time we stopped.

I was confused we were right in the middle of the board walk.

"Jonathan why did we stop?" I asked him

"Because we are here" he said

I looked at him confused.

He took my hand and grabbed his board me doing the same. we walked a little and made a turn.

We had reached a carnival.

"THE CARNIVAL!!!!" I said jumping up and down like a little girl.

"Yes the carnival, now calm down" he said laughing

"How did you know I loved carnivals" I asked him.

"Well this may sound stalkerish but there was one time that you were skating around and you stopped at this place that they were building the carnival, I saw your face you were filled with excitement you were just like a little girl. Also when we were packing your room you had so many pictures of you when you were little in the carnivals so I figured you loved carnivals so I brought you to one." he said looking down at me.

"Thank you babe, I don't deserve you" I said.

"No princess, I don't deserve you" he said stroking my cheek.

"I love you Jonathan." I said

"I love you Jessica" he said back.

He bent down and we kissed. At the same time fireworks went of from the pier.

I jumped a little and Jonathan laughed.

"As much as I would love to stay here and kiss you, we don't have all night lets go." I said dragging a laughing Jonathan to the carnival entrance.

(J O N A T H A N)

We raced to the carnival. I ended up winning.

"Now you ow me something since you won the race." said jess.

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