What Have I Done

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This is all Jonathan's POV.

Jonathan's Pov:

Jessica Just told me that she is pregnant and that it is mine. Ugh! And to top it all off I told her that I don't give a shit about her.

To be honest. I do. I love her. I know what you are thinking, how could you love someone that you rarely talk to? well I don't talk to her much but I do take in every single feature that she has.

I love The way her chocolate brown tips move from side to side while she walks, or the way that she pushes her glasses up when she is reading (when she doesn't wear her contacts), the way that she laughs, the way that she smiles, or even the way she talks. I love her

I'm falling for Jessica, I'm falling hard.

I just fucked up every single chance I had with her. I'm such a horrible person. I need to clear all of this up. I know how to start.

I entered the school and went to my locker, put in the code and took out all the things I needed for second period. I missed first period outside thinking about how I was falling for Jessica and how a mess up I am.

I closed my locker and there stood Chelsea.

"Hey babe, what did that slut want?" Chelsea asked.

"Well for starters don't call Jessica a slut." I answers taking her hand if my chest.

"Since when do you stand up to bessica or whatever her name is?" Chelsea asked with a disgusting look to her face.

"I started standing up for her ever since I found out that I loved her". I answered.

And with that I locked my locker and headed out the school.

"I'm going to make that bitch's life a complete hell, and when you come back crawling I won't be there to take you back." Chelsea screamed while I walked out.

I wasn't going to let that one slide. At this time all eyes were on us.

I stopped and turned around and responded "right you won't be there cause you'll be busy fucking a guy, like the slut you are."

With that oooo's came from everyone. Chelsea just turned around flipped her weave and continued walking with a thud.

I turned back around and headed to my car. I needed to get my head straight and un-mess everything that I messed up. I wouldn't be ditching cause I wasn't even signed in so I'll be marked as absent. I'll just tell my mom that I wasn't feeling good so I went back home.

(His mom is that Spanish teacher)

The hardest part is that Jessica left and I don't even have her number.

Think Jonathan, think!

Wait a second💡

I have Vanessa's number (we were pared up to do a project for history so she gave me her number to see when we could meet up).

Ring, Ring, Ring

I kept moving my foot up and down, until she picked up at the last ring.

V: hello?

J: hey Vanessa its Jonathan

V: oh hey Jonathan. look sorry I can't pair up this week I'm-

I cut her off

J: no Vanessa it isn't about that it's just, that if you have Jessica's phone number?

V: why do you need Jessica's number?

J: it's just that she, umm left her umm textbook in class and I'm going to give it to her?

Ugh it came put like a question!

V: sure pretty boy tell me why you actually really want Jessica's number?

J: ugh fine. it's just that earlier today I was being an ass to her, so I wanted to call and apologize

Like half of the truth. I don't want to tell her that Jessica was pregnant cause I don't know if Jessica wanted to tell her.

V: your an ass to everybody. why can't you just be nice? that way you don't have to be asking people for their number.

J: are you going to give it to me?

V: No. I don't know what you want you want from Jessica so no and bye.

Ugh with that she hanged up.

I had one last Chance. Tiffany!

I had Tiffany number cause she tutors me in algebra.

I called her...... no answer

I called again ..... no answer

I called one last time......

T: hello?

J: oh my goodness Tiffany you answer.

T: yeah. why wouldn't I answer?

J: it freaking took you eternity to answer.

T: oh Sorry, I just got out of class . anyway what's up? Wait aren't you supposed to be in class?

J: it fine. I ditched. I was just wondering if I could have Jessica's number?

T: lol okay. wait why do you want Jessica's number? Wait a second she told you?

J: yeah she told me that she was pregnant. I kind of flipped and acted like an ass about it. I just want to apologize.

T: your lucky that she told me and that you aren't an ass to me. Her number is (123)456-7890

J: thanks I really appreciate it. oh and meet me at the library Thursday I have an algebra test on friday.

T: haha okay and be nice to her. see ya. Tomorrow.

With that she hanged up.

Here it goes!!

I dialed the number


Ring ring ring......


Aloha my beautiful people.

What y'all think? any way I'm loving the new cover. thanks to my friend Julian. she doesn't have a watt pad cause she designed it on my phone. follow me on





Till next time




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