Date night

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⚠🚨️important a/n at the end🚨⚠️

While me and Jonathan were hugging, it actually started to rain.

"We let's go inside before we get wet" he said taking my hand and leading me inside.

"So babe, how was the doctors?" Said Jonathan and he sits in the couch and I sit on his other side as I lift my legs up into his tighs.

"Well good I found out the genders"
I said hoping he gets the cue.

"GenderS?" Yep he got it.

I looked at him and nodded.

"You m-mean we are having twins!?"

I nodded again with a huge smile one my face.

Jonathan screamed OMG and he picked me up and twirled me around.

"We are having twins" he said as he put me down and looked at my stomach.

"Yes, yes we are. boy and girl" I said

"That is amazing" he said kissing me.

How I love him.

"You know babe, I still own you that proper first date" he said.

I was currently sitting on his lap on the couch.

I looked down at him.

"Really? After what you did outside?" I said

"Yes, you my princess deserve a proper first date." He said kissing my cheek.

"Well if you say so" I said.

"Well how about tonight around 4?" He asked.

"Yeah, that will work out" I said.

"Wait what do I wear?" I asked.

"Nothing fancy just something casual" he said .

I nodded and put my attention back to whatever was on the tv.

💘💘💘2 1/2 hours later💘💘💘💘

I was in my room. It was currently 3:30 and Jonathan said we were leaving at 4:00

I couldn't figure out what to wear. he said nothing fancy but I don't know if I should wear pants or shorts flats or sneakers, ugh, being a girl is so stressful.

After a while of debating I decided on

A white flowy crop top
A denim jacket
Black jeans
White converse
Golden earrings
Gold necklace.

I set my outfit out and took a shower.
It was currently 3:35 and I only had 5 minutes to get ready.

I put my outfit on. Since I didn't wet my hair during my shower it took me a few minutes to curl my hair.

I added mascara and for eyeshadow did a mixture of light blue and white.

I looked at myself in the mirror, took a few selfies cause, why not.

I got my phone and portable charger.
As I was closing the door I heard Jonathan call my name.

I didn't response but headed downstairs.

As i got downstairs Jonathan was waiting for me with a rose.

"For my beautiful lady" he said
"Thank you" I said taking the rose and blushing just a bit.

"Can you please tell me where are we going?" I asked.

"No" said Jonathan keeping a straight face.

I pouted.

"By mom we will be back home by idk, don't wait for us" he said

"Okay mijo, don't get back too late, have fun kids" she said coming downstairs.

"Bye Amanda" I said.

We entered Jonathan's car.

"Can you tell me now, were we are going?" I asked.

"No" said Jonathan..

"Just wait a few more minutes babe" he said kissing my knuckles.

"Fine" I sighed.

💘💘💘💘💘car ride💘💘💘💘💘

I was listing to the song on the radio, I had no idea what was the name of it but I loved the lyrics.

As I listened the car came to a stop. I looked around and saw that we were at the Santa Monica pier.

"The pier really?" I said really excited.

"Yes the pier, but there is more" said Jonathan.

"More suprises?" I asked

"Yep" he said.

"You know if I knew I would've brought my penny board" I said.

"Your wish is granted my lady" he said while taking my penny board and his from the back of the car.

"When did you take it?" I asked.

"When you were taking a shower"" he said.

"You went into my room while I was taking a shower?" I said

This sneaky boy.

"Yeah, you know you can't sing, thank godness you have your own shower" he said.

"Hey" I said snaking his chest playfully "I'm proud of the way I sing"

Jonathan just laughed.

"Just give me my board dork" I said taking it from his hands

"Oh I'm the dork." he said

"Yes, but your my dork" I said while kissing him

"I love you jess" he said smiling

"I love you to Jonathan". "As much as I love you I'm still going to beat you to the frozen yogurt shop" I said taking off

"Hey!" I heard him yell from behind me.

I laughed until I saw her. I came to a stop.

Jonathan was now next to me. He saw her also.

She saw us.


Hey guys

Maddie here srry for not updating these past weeks. my life has been buzzard.

Put I am now back on track.

Now, I have big news. I'm doing a cover photo contest.

You guys could create your own covers
And you send them to me. your covers have to include.

~Jessica (could be anyone with brown hair. her tips have to be lighter though)

~Jonathan. (Could be anyone,)

~the title: 16 and pregnant.

~my name: madeline15448

~yours: created by ............

I hope to receiver your cover.

You could send them to me by

Kik: maddie15448

Instagram: justcallmemadeline

This contest will end depending on how many entries I get.

Hope to see your art work

Till next time


16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now