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"Dad?" I whispered.

I can't believe it. The man that had me. The one that was never there for me. The or who supposedly died when I was 1. The one who didn't go to my volleyball games, my gymnastics tournaments. The one that didn't dance with me at my sweet 16. He was in side that house m.

"Jess are you okay?" Ask Jonathan behind me.

I turned around and he was a few feet away. I hugged him.

"What happened?" He ask looking down at me.

" That m-man is my d-dad" I cried even harder.

"Jess it's okay." he rubbed may hair while he sustained my with with his arm.

"Let's go home and forget all about this" he said.

I nodded.

I can't believe this my dad. No! I can't just leave mabey this is that last time I'll get to see him.

"N-no Jonathan" I stopped and let go

"What happened?" Jonathan asked with a confused look.

"No, I can't leave after sixteen years I can't leave like that. I need to know who he is and why my mom told me he died. I can't be a mom without knowing who my dad is and if that's him, this is something I'll regret." I said rubbing my stomach.

"Okay what are you going to do?" Asked Jonathan still confused.

"Wait for me In the car, I'll explain everything later." I said

He nodded.

I walked up to the front door and got th key from the pot we leave it in.

I Walked into the living room. silent.

I walked into the kitchen. silent.

That was when I noticed they were in the backyard sipping on some vodka. they were laughing.

How could my mom be so happy without me? I bit my lip trying to prevent tears.

I walked outside. the door creaked and both their heads faced me.

"Jessica!" Screamed my mother. she got up but I took a step back.

"Get away from me!" I said taking another step back.

She chuckled. " did you realize that you can't live without me and that you can't be a teen mom?" She asked.

"Actually no Nicole, I came back for the rest of my room." I said not feeling week or anything. I felt confident.

"How dare you talk to your mother like that." said my dad getting up.

"Dad?" I asked.

"Jessica?" He asked fully concern.

"Yeah, that is me" he just laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked confused.

"I can't believe I made you. thank god I left when you were young. a teen mom, what a disappointment." he laughed m. I wasn't upset I was mad.

"You know, I'm actually glad you left, I wouldn't have to deal with shit like you. Nicole said you died witch now I know isn't true. I hope you die you jerk. I could care less if your my dad your just a price of shit. o and Nicole thanks for the keys but I won't need them anymore just like I don't need you or this trash in my life."

I threw her my keys and left. I felt a wave of relive wash over me but I was mad upset. I left the house and got into the car.

I got into the car and I lost it. Jonathan tried to comfort me. It worked a little, but I still felt this way.

"You want to go home?" Jonathan asked?

"Mhm" I nodded.

We drive home.

We got home and left my boxes in the car and got into the house. some of my tears were dried but I just wanted to go to my room.

I walked in and I heard the laundry in the back ms.perez was doing walked upstairs and closed and locked my door I cried into my pillow.

Jonathan's P.O.V:

I was waiting for jess to come out of the house. I wanted to go in with her but her reaction told me that she wanted to wait for her outside. I waited in my car. I fixed my beanie when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hey Jonathan, it chelsea"

J: I thought I made it clear we are over.

C: but I miss you babe

J; don't call me babe and what happened with I won't be there for you when you come crawling back. *rolling eyes*

C: I decided to give you a second chance. I miss you, I miss us.

J; in sorry chelsea but I'm with Jessica now and I'm happy.

C; oh so you guys are officially a couple huh?

J: yeah we are.

C; what does Jessica have that I don't. I have a bigger butt and bigger boobs that that whore.

J; well she has a bigger heart. she has everything that you don't and that is beauty in and out. oh and if you really want to see a whore, look at the mirror.

I hanged up. I don't even know why I even dated a crazy ass bitch.

I was thinking about my future with Jess. having the baby, getting married. lord Jesus I'm in love. that was when she came crying.

I tried to comfort her the best I could.

"You want to go home" I asked.

She nodded and whispered a mhm.

We got home. Jess went storming out of the car. I know she was still upset. I tried running after her but. When I walked in my mom was in the living room and Jess was halfway up the stairs. I stepped on the first state when I heard the door slam and the knob being locked.

I was going to take another step but my mom stepped in

"Got get her stuff, I got his mijo." she went upstairs.

I sighed.

I went to go get her stuff when I walk out to see....


Hey guys. an update yeeeeeh. I want to know what you guys think of the story. I also want to know if you guys have any ideas.

Till next time

~maddie 😘

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