Family Hug!

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"Well mom we need to talk to you."
"Okay then let's sit then".
I sat won't Jonathan besides me and Amanda in front of us. Jonathan rubbed my knee for comforts. it helped a little.
"Well mom you see Jessica is pregnant. and its mine

Jessica POV:

I was ready for anything. I was ready for caouse.

I looked up to see Amanda. at first she looked shocked that turned into a happy smile.

It was quite until Jonathan broke the silence.

"Mom?" He asks

"I can't believe it in going to be a grandmother!" She had a grin plastered in her face.

"Your happy?" I asked

"Well I'm disappointed in you yeah, but not matter what happens Jessica il know by your side and by Jonathan's side." she answered taking my hands into hers.

I smiled until she asked.

"Jess honey, did you tell your mom yet? She asked

Jonathan squeezed my hand right away.

I nodded

" She didn't take it as well. she got mad and told me to take an abortion. I ... I ran a-away" I looked down to my lap.

Jonathan squeezed my hand. I looked up at him. he took his thumb and dries my checks. then he whispered

"Remember your tiara."
I gave him a small smile. and looked at his mom. she had a small smile on.

Then her smile fadeded.

"So Jessica where are you planning on staying?" She asked

"Well that is where I come in. mom lets let her stay in the extra bedroom we don't know what to do with it." Jonathan said smiling at me and then looking at his mom

" That is an amazing idea Hijo." she said smiling.

"Honey do you have your stuff?" Ms.perez asked. I could see the exciment in her.

"Yeah it's all in the car." i answers with a huge smile.

"Great. just one question for the both of you." she said with a concern look.

I looked at Jonathan and Jonathan looked at me.

We both nodded at her.

"It obvious that you two are dating. but I want to know if both of you are going to put your time into this baby. I want to know that both of have decided that you both want the baby." she looked at me then at Jonathan

"Yes" we both said in unison. we all laughed.

"Great. now before I let you guys be, FAMILY HUG!!" ms.perez said.

Me and Jonathan laughed. we all hugged

"Now go organize your room." she said before going back to the kitchen.

I was so happy. I actually feel part of a family.

Jonathan's pov:

We all hugged and Jess ran to get her stuff out of the car. I just chuckled.

Jess was outside. so I took my chance.


"Si mijo?" She asked

"Thank you. for everything." I smiled and gave her a hug and a kiss on the check.

"No problem,as long as it's only her. I like her. she is a good student a good person and I bet you she will be a good mom. don't let her go". she said rubbing my shoulder.

" I won't, I ... I love her." that was when she walked in.

16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now