Im Sorry

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The car stopped and a guy got out j couldn't see who it was, so I continued walking.

"Jessica I'm sorry!" screamed the voice.

I froze in my tracks I have no idea who it is and it knows my name.

I turned around and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was....

It was Jonathan, just my luck.

"Jessica I'm sorry" he said again

We are still the same distant, only difference is that I'm facing him.

"It's fine, I have more clothing Jonathan" I responded not breaking our gazed

"No Jessica, I don't mean sorry for splashing you, witch I am sorry for but yeah. I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you when you told me about the baby. I'm sorry for pretending to like Chelsea, I'm sorry for trying to no contact you these past weeks. I'm sorry for not showing you how much I love you" he said

We were closer now.

"Jonathan I-

" No Jessica, I love you okay. I don't care if you push me away, there could be 1000 of other girls but are the one I love you are the one that has had my attention since freshman year. I've tried to find someone else, but they always remind me of you." he said a tear rolling down his eye.

" I love you and only you I'm sorry" he said in a whisper, but loud enough for me to hear him.

I dropped all my bags and ran to him. i hugged him he picked me up and twirled me around. somehow the sun started shinning and the clouds had gone away.

He sat me down and compared to height difference he had to look down. he stroke my cheek and kisses my lips.

" Does that mean you forgive me?" her asked with hope in his eyes.

I looked up at him and smiled

" Yeah, I forgive you"

He started jumping like a little kid and hugged me and twirled me again.

"Okay there happy pants, put me down before I puke" he set me down laughing.

"Jessica James, would you give me the honor and make me the happiest guy on earth by being my girlfriend?" he asked still with his arms around my waist and my arms on around his necks

"Yes, Jonathan Garcia I would love to be your girlfriend." he smiled so wide.

He kissed me. it was a short kiss but you felt the love in it.

" So what's up with all the bags jess?" he asked while he stopped our kids and starred at the bag.

"Oh ummm.......

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