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I turned around to see him standing there.

"Jen-" I cut him off

"Don't" I said

I ran upstairs to my room. I locked my door and lated on my bed.

Jonathan's POV:

HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID?! I let the best thing ever slip out of my hands.


Sometimes I can't even deal with myself.

Jessica was perfect. I just let her go.

Before I went downstairs this morning I got a phone call from a blocked number. I answered. It was chelsea.

J: hello?

C: hey babe. I miss you.

J: Chelsea. we aren't anything anymore. I thought I made that straight last time we talked.

C: well I decided to forgive you and give you a second chance.

J: Chelsea I don't want a second chance. I have the girl I love.

C: oh so you love her.

J: y-yeah

C: well, you would have more fun with me that with that boring nerd. hessica is her name?

J: it's Jessica. no I would never have more fun with you than with Jessica.

C: you know what, whatever but i want to say goodbye atleast. meet me Afterschool.

I heard something move outside.

J: yeah sure I'll meet you Afterschool. bye

I hinged up. I went downstairs to meet my mom. and no Jessica?

"Hey mami" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Hey mijo, I made pancakes" she said.

"Okay, hey mom were is jess" I asked

"She left not a while ago. something about team meeting" said my mom

"K" I said

She must have a team meeting about their championships next week.

Volleyball reminded me about the day that coach John mixed up the practices. I got to see her play that day in them fine shorts. that was the day I knew I was in love. wait hold up. in love? Idk yet.

I had my breakfast, kissed my mom goodbye on the cheek, got into my car and drove to school.

As I parked I looked for Jenn's car anywhere. yep. she must be practicing right now. I decided to go surprise her at the gym.

I was waking when I felt someone push me against a brick wall.

"Missed me?" It was Chelsea

"Well no, and I need you to get off" I said.

"Co on babe don't pretend like you don't miss me" she said batting her fake ass eyelashes to me

"I have to get to class" I said

With that she grabbed me by my neck and pulled me down to where she kissed my lips.

It was nothing. I just tasted fake ass lipstick. nothing compared to the kisses
I've had with jess.

She forced her tongue into my mouth. That was when I had enough.
I pushed her off

"Chelsea. you have no idea what you just got yourself into" I said wiping my mouth.

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