Mother daughter talks

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{A M A N D A}.

I was finishing my arroz con pollo in the kitchen. I need to finish this for a meeting I had at work tomorrow morning.

I was finishing the food when I heard the door open and I heard footsteps. The kids must be back.

I turned off the stove and went out the kitchen. I was in the living room when I saw Jessica running up the stairs with tears in her eyes.

Jonathan was about to take a step but I stopped him.

"Go get her stuff mijo, I got this". He gave me a small smile and walked outside.

I sighed and walked up the stairs.

I was outside of Jessica's door. I was able to hear her sobs. I sighed and knocked on the door.

"Jonathan I love you but I need to be alone." is what I heard from the other side of the door.

"Mija, it's Amanda. please open the door"i said.

I heard the door unlock. I opened it. Jessica was sitting on her bed with tears in her eyes.

I sat next to her and opened my arms for her. she leaned in and cried her eyes out. After a while of comforting her i asked her.

"What happened mija?" I said still hugging her and my head ontop of hers. she had now calmed down.

"Well if I'm going to tell if I might as well start from the begging."

Jessica POV:

I felt so much better when Amanda came to comfort me. it felt nice to see that she actually cared.

"What happens mija" she asked

The question I was dreading for her to ask.

"Well if I'm going to tell you I might as well start from the begging". I wasn't a person to tell other people about my life or my problem but somehow I felt comfortable around Amanda.

I sighed and started.

"It all started when I was 11/12. I didn't live with my dad it was just me, my sister and my mom. It was all fine. When I turned 11 the day after, my sister died in a car ride. I was young and confused. The only thing going through my head was that my sister died. she was a few years older than me. I was 12 and she was 14 .my mom named her crystal because of her eyes. she was really pretty. she had blue eyes and brown hair. She was tall and skinny. she loved to play volleyball also. every Saturday we could go to the court around our house and play for hours. she was an amazing sister. when she died I kind of lost it. I was 12
but I understood way more that people thought. it hit me really hard. I didn't eat for a few days and my mom tries her hardest to keep strong. At 14 I started to cut. but then I got phycology help and i started getting better and so was my mom. I also started wondering about my dad. All my friends from school always talked about their dads and how good they were and a few of my friends had their dads in the army. One day I got home from school and asked my mom about my dad. She said that he died when I was 1. It didn't hit me as hard because I didn't know who he was. yeah I was upset but that didn't held me back. over the years my mom started getting very overprotected for some reason. I wasn't able to hang out with my friends as much. The only people I really hanged out with was my 2 best friends Tiffany and Vannessa. They were the only ones my mom approved off for some reason. when I turned 15 I wanted to have a quinceañera. I've dreamed about having one since I was little, but my mom had killed my dream. I didn't have it. That was when my relationship with my mom snapped. last month I got invited to a party. I knew my mom wouldn't t let me go so I sneaked out. that was the night me and Jonathan had sex. then earlier today I went to get my stuff from my house. I saw him, I saw my dad. he had the same blue eyes as Crystal. I couldn't hold back all of these years thinking he was dead. I confronted him. He just laughed in my face. he kept saying how he was glad that he had left when I was born. It hurt me real bad. the worst part my mom just stood there laughing and agreeing. I never felt so ashamed. I called him some things I don't regret and I called my mom by her first name and also called her the same things. the part that scares me the most is that when I got here I started to think about cutting and about my razors. I haven't thought about that for 2-3 years. that is what scares me the most" I said I started tearing.

Besides the fact that it hurt I felt a weight off my shoulders. it's felt good to let go of everything.

Amanda's POV:

Jessica just finished telling me her story. I can't believe at 16 years of age and she had to deal with all of this plus a baby.

"Jessica sweetie. it's alright. you know what that was that was that stupid idiot's fault. he doesn't see what beautiful young lady you are. Jessica you are very matured to be 15. in telling you if I see him ever again le doy un pedazo de mi mente. (give him a piece of my mind)."

We just laughed.

"Mira jess. I've known you for three years as a student. I love you. I want to get to know you as my sons girlfriend and my grandson or granddaughter mother. jess your mom might've laughed in your face but she doesn't know what she let go off. I'm happy my son decided to go crazy with you." I said smiling. I meant every word I said.

"Grasias Amanda. you don't know how much you mean to me. I might've no been your daughter but at least I'll get to be your sons girlfriend. Thank you so much. This is a mother daughter talk I needed" she said with dried tears and a huge smile on her face.

"You know I'm surprised that Jonathan found someone like you. cause between you and me he isint a least attracted." I said whispering the last part

"Hey I heard that" said Jonathan walking into the room.

She laughed

"Well she isint telling exactly a lie" She said laughing

"I like you" I said high giving her.

The laughter died down.

"How much did you hear?" Jessica asked Jonathan who is leaning against the door.

"Oh well that arroz con pollo isint going to finish itself. excuse me" I said leaving them alone.

Jessica POV:

Amanda left and Jonathan sighed and took her place on my bed. he picked me up and sat me on his lap. I made myself comfortable with my head on the crook of his neck and his hand intop of mine.

"Well I heard everything" he said truthfully

"And you probably think I'm a girl that wines about her problems" I said with a sigh.

"No jess, I don't. I think you have gone through a lot. Your a strong girl. that is one of the most things that attract me to you. your very strong. heck not even I would be able to go through what you went through. I want you to know that I'm going to be there for you no matter what. and if hell decides to hit us then we'll get punched together."

I just laughed.

"Thank you Jonathan. I think you deserve to be called babe now." I said laughing.

"Really!! I earned that privilege" he said with his hand on his chest and a proud full smile on his face.

We both bursted out laughing.

"You know what jess. you deserve a proper first date. how about tomorrow after school. I'll take you somewhere nice." he said looking deeply into my eyes.

"I'd love to Babe" I said emphasizing babe.

"You know that actually would fit me very well." he said trying to be serious.

That ended us bursting into laughter.

Oh how I love this boy..... wait did I just say love.

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