They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 2

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My father step aside to let them in. The first one, he was tall like almost as tall as my dad. He had slit

back hair, which he must had used a lot of gel. He had on this suit with vertical stripes with his jacket

over the shoulder. The second one was just plain normal. Just skinny jeans and a Escape The Fate

shirt with messy bed hair." He doesn't look that bad." i said in my head." Jade this is your new owners;

Vincent and his son Aiden." My father said giving an introduction.  I just wave not really caring."  It seems like she will make really good used to us." Vincent said. I glare at Vincent as he said that. I

hug everyone for the last time as i walk out the door. I walk out to his shiny black tinted window car out in front. Even the neighborhood children were drooling over it." Hey! you kids get away from that

car." my father yelled waving his fist in the air. The kids stick their tongues out and ran as me and Aiden laugh. We got weird looks as we continue laughing holding our sides in pain. After a few

extra laughs we calm ourselves down wiping away the tears that fallen out our eyes." Now since you two have finally calm down you both can take the bags in the car." Vincent said. I grab my suit

case as Aiden grabs the bags. Walking to the car seeing my surroundings for the last time. Aiden open up the trunk of the car and we threw my stuff in it. He close the trunk and we both enter the car, and far off into the new world i call life.


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