They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 17

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Lach P.O.V -->I woke up to see i am in a hospital.I groan in pain and look at mine surroundings.The nurse came in to check on me."I see your awake."she said checking everything on me."Where is Aiden and Jade at?"i said looking at the nurse." They are in the other room." she said."How are

they?"I said."Well one of them had it worst than you.One of them didn't wake up, and I'm pretty sure they will be alright."she said going to the bathroom washing her hands."Can i get up and see them?"I said."Nope, because once you get up your going to scream in pain." the nurse say leaving

the room. Lach groan some more and fell asleep. Vincent P.O.V -->I rush in into the hospital and up to the front desk.The desk lady was popping gum and looking at me." Can i help you?"she said." I am here to see Aiden,Jade, and Lachlan" I said in a rush.She looks in the computer and check in

all three names."Okay, Aiden and Jade are in room 325 and Lachlan is in room 327."she said."Thank you."i said.When i was about to leave the lobby, the desk lady stop him."You forgot your visitor's pass."she said handing it to me.I took it and put it over his head and rush down the hall to

the location.When I went into the room, I see Jade and Aiden asleep.I went to Aiden."I hope you make it through.I can't loses you, your mine only flesh and blood that i love."I whisper to himself.Then I started to hear some groaning coming from Aiden. Aiden's P.O.V-->I open mine eyes

to the bright light and i groan." Aiden?" a voice i recognized.I turn to the side to see my father. "Oh hey."i said.Vincent came and hug me gentle."I thought i was going to lose you." Vincent said sadden."But you didn't." Aiden said looking at me."Yea.I will go get a doctor."Vincent said leaving out the room.


i want to get it in everyone's point of view, but soon everything will be back to normal :3

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