They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 46

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Chloe repeatedly hit my forehead on the glass. Then she drop me on the ground." I'm a mess. I'm never a mess." Chloe said as she start to stomp on me." You seem to be a mess if you have to use physical force on me." i said grabbing her foot. I put her foot down then stood up. I look at Natalie and smile." I like you. You don't have to stoop this low to get a certain point out." i said. Natalie just look at me and smile a little. I can see Chloe's face become red by the words i had said. Then she started to take some deep breaths and her face went back to normal. Chloe turn around and started to walk away. We all look confused, then Natalie started to follow along too. Both leaving in silence. I walk back into the ice cream parlor. Everyone was staring at me." What?" i said turning my head to the side. I can feel liquid fall as i touch my forehead to see blood dripping from it. Aiden grab a napkin near by and added pressure to it not saying a word." Thank you." i said." Are you even okay? Look at you. You just got out of the hospital and now you already had gotten yourself into a fight and now your forehead is red and bleeding and your acting so calm like nothing even happen." Angel said." Honestly, this is not the end of her. Wait till we get to school, it will be way worst than this, trust me it will." i said." Do you need to go back to the hospital?" Vincent said." Nah, i will be good. Just clean it up and put a band aid on it and it will be all good." i said." Alright, if you say so." Vincent said. Aiden had stop the bleeding and hopefully it will stop till i get home." Can we still get ice cream?" i said looking at everyone. Vincent nodded and said," we didn't come all over her for nothing." he said smiling. I smile also and went over to the guy who serves the ice cream.

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