They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 43

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I pull out my hand for Aiden to grab. He kindly took it and and i help him up off the ground. A female doctor came in and look at all of us." It seems like your up and ready." the doctor said."Yes. Yes we are." Aiden said smiling. The female doctor look at me. I look back awkwardly." I'm guessing you are also feeling better." the female doctor said. I nod as my answer." Well, if you guys wanted to know. Jade will be fine. She didn't catch anything and you just have a few bruises here and there, but i am sure you are able to heal fine." she said." Thank you for helping me out." i said smiling." It is my job. Also, if you guys want, you are able to leave now." she said then left out. I happily jump up and down and ran to my room to change clothes. Aiden, Vincent, and Angel all just stood there, then burst into laughter." Gosh, she is one crazy chick." Aiden said following behind with Angel and Vincent trailing back. They all walk in the room to see my hospital gown off and putting my pants on." Sheesh, Jade. Could have at least close the door." Aiden said as they all shield their eyes and look away. I look at them, then put my shirt on." Sorry for being so excited to leave." i said smiling." Well, i'm gonna go check you guys out." Vincent said leaving the room. Aiden walk over to his bed and grab his stuff. He strip down and put on his clothes also. Angel also did the same. I put my shoes and folded my hospital gown. I stretch out my arms and smile big." It feels amazing to get out of that hospital gown." I said." You are not lying." Aiden said smiling. Vincent walk back in the room." So, you guys ready to go?" Vincent said looking at all of us." I been ready since i came in here." i said looking at Vincent." But wait, how did you manage to get Angel at of here." Aiden said looking at Vincent." Lets say I am your Uncle." Vincent said smiling and winking at Angel. I laugh then walk out the door." Come come children we are off and away from this hospital." i said using my hands to guide them forward to me." They all smile and laugh a little as they follow me out the hospital.

I'm almost done. I have at least one more chapter to go and the story is complete. Them later in the year i will start on the second part of this. I am sorry this took me so long. But i finally have it done. Its the thought that counts doesn't it. n. n Live long and stay sexy.c:

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