They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 4

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The first thing i did was jump on the bed." Its huge." i yelled against the pillow. Aiden laugh as he climb on the bed. I turn my head and look at him. He looked back." You think it will be okay if i was staying in

here with you." i said." Yes, i'll be fine, you take the bed and i'll just lay on the couch." Aiden said." No!, you take the bed and i get the couch." i said. Then we both start arguing about who would take what till

Vincent walks in. "What are you doing."Vincent said." Arguing who would take the bed and who would take the couch." said Aiden." Wow, is that what i was hearing for the past ten minutes. How

about you both take the bed." Vincent replied. Aiden and I looked at each other then back at Vincent then back at each other again." I wouldn't mind ." Aiden said laying back down." Same here." i said 

laying on my stomach." Good and oh Jade, your room will be done tomorrow." Vincent said leaving." Mmmhm okay. Sounds like a sleep over then Aiden." i said." Sounds like one indeed." he said."

Although i didn't wanted to be here in the first place ,i think they made a good decision." i said smiling a little." But anyways, how about a movie night?" i suggested." What kind of movie?" replied

Aiden."Anything except for romance, musicals, and drama." i said." Awww, i thought girls love that kind of stuff." Aiden said with a sad tone in his voice. I laughed and threw a pillow at him." You are

so sexist but, no i don't like that kind of stuff maybe you do, but i don't." i said." Who said i like that kind of stuff." Aiden said firing back." Well since you were all so sad about it i thought that would be

that kind of stuff for a tough guy like you." i replied smirking." And you call yourself a son of a mafia father. " i said teasing." Psssh Keep dreaming." he said throwing a pillow at me. He laughed as i threw one at him which turn into a pillow fight.

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