They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 12

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When we both finally found something to order, the waitress came." Hey i am Daisy and yes i do own the shop."she said." Cool." i said." So what do ya want to eat." she said looking us back and forth. I told her i wanted a chicken sandwhich and a starwberry shake with extra starwberries; and Aiden wanted

an hamburger with fries and a coke." It will be right up." she said going to the cook and giving our orders.We talked as we waited for the food to arrive. As the conversation was becoming random, the door open and we heard a squeal. All heads turn as we see this girl running and hugging Aiden."

AIDEN!" she yelled hugging him more." Um, Hey Natalie." Aiden said pulling away from her." What are you doing here." he said." Well I came to get a milkshake, but i didnt know you would be here by yourself." she said completely ignoring me." Well actually i am here with someone." he said pointing at

me. She turn towards me and gaving me this ugly look." Well hi to you too." i said turning back around to the front." Well since i am here i will stay with you." she said sitting on his lap." Um excuse me miss there are these things people invented call chairs, use one." Daisy said coming

back with our food." Thank you." i said digging in. Natalie got up from his lap and look at me." You should get up off that chair and let me sit by my man." she said putting her hands on her hips. I ate from mine sandwhich facing the front not caring what she said.Then the next thing i know i was on t

he ground holding my lower back in pain." What the hell." i said screaming in pain."I told you to move she said sitting in mine seat." You bitch!" i said trying to get up. A guy who was sitting beside me had help me up." Thank you." i said glaring at her." No problem" he said sitting back down.

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