They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 13

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I glare at her with passion." Well, why are you standing there?Go away."she said. I did the one thing i would excepted to do. I grab her by her hair and bitch slap her out of mine seat. She fell to the ground screaming in pain." The Hell!" she yelled at me. I sat back in mine seat and continue to eat." If i was

you, i would leave right now." i said drinking mine shake." And if i don't." she said getting up rubbing her head." Then there will be more pain to be done".i said. She got up a little scare." I'm not scare!" she said backing away a little. I stood up, and walk closer to her. She started to back away more." Why are

you backing away?" i said once i got close enough to her."Um,Um,Um."she said not knowing what she was going to say." Then if i was you...Leave!" i said. She shakes her head as she run out. Once she left everyone was clapping. I laugh as i sat back down and continue to eat. When we were done, Aiden pay

and we left out. I got in the car, squeezing mine eyes cause my back still hurts.The drive home was random and the music was strange since we were listening to techno. When we got to the house, i got out in pain and walk to the door. When we got in, it was quiet." I guess father is not home." Aiden said."

I see." i said going up stairs. I walk down some halls and into mine room. After i close the door, i went to mine full length mirror and pull up mine shirt." Wow" i whisper." That's not good" i continue. I went to the bathroom and got an first aid kit.

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