They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 39

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I look at them smiling." At least we caught him." i said looking at him. He stared back at me with sadness. The sounds of footsteps were coming. We turn our heads to see some security guards and a very pretty nurse." It seems you guys finally made it." Aiden said smiling." Yup. Hope we weren't late." she said." Nah you guys came just in time." Angel said. Aiden and Angel got up and the guards came and took him away. I stood up and dust myself off." Thank you so much for your help." i said smiling." Pssh nah it was no big deal. I don't know what he did, but it must had been that bad that he must be arrested for it." she said look back where the guards had drag him away." It was, but now it is all over. By the way, what is your name if i may ask?" i said curiously." You guys can call me Candy." she said smiling and sticking her hand out." Nice name, you can call me Jade." i said shaking her hand and smiling back." I'm Aiden." Aiden said shaking hands too." And i am Angel." Angel said also shaking hands." It is really nice to meet you guys; but we really must go. I have work still and i must get you guys out of here before we all get in trouble." Candy said turning around and guide us back. When we finally got back to the reception desk, Candy turn around and hug each one of us." It was so nice to meet you guys, but i must go back to work." she said smiling." It was nice to meet you too, and i wanna thank you again for your help." i said smiling and hugging her again." Awww don't worry about a thing sweetheart it was worth it." Candy said hugging back. We said bye again to Candy then left out the Mental Hospital." What a adventure." Aiden said as we step in the elevator." An adventure indeed." Angel said. I slide down on the elevator wall and hit the floor." It was very exhausting too." i said yawning. Both Aiden and Angel sat right beside me and hugged me tight." When we get out, we will take you to a doctor to get you check up." Aiden said. I just nod my head and closed my eyes." This day, has been full of experience." Angel said. Slowly i drifted off to sleep hearing the sounds of their voices.

 Chapter 39 :DDD. May not be very interesting but it is something n.  n. I hope you guys enjoy it though. Rest In Peace Whitney Houston u~  u

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