They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 6

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Aiden and I are walking to the Movie Store before it closes. We talk about what movies to get on the way there. Once we step foot in the store; we both ran off to find a really good movie. I went to the

Horror section and he went to who knows where. I pick out a couple of good movies that looks good enough to actually watch. I went to find Aiden. I check the Sci-Fi, the Romance,and even the Porno,

but he wasn't there. I went to go to the Comedy section till i hear his voice. I peek behind the shelves of the DVDs to hear a conversation going on. I hear Aiden's and some girl's voice for a

matter of fact. Although i know eavesdropping is wrong, I'm still going to listen." Why can't you come over?" she whinning." Because, I'm having a sleepover with someone." he replied back." Who is

she?." the girl said crossing her arms." How do you know if she is she." Aiden said." Aiden, don't play dumb with me. Now who is she and are you cheating on me." she yelled." So Aiden has a

girlfriend."  i thought." Baby, you know i will never cheat on you and she is just a friend okay nothing more." Aiden said looking at her. Somehow there was this hurtful ping in my chest, but i ignore it

and continue to listen." She better be." she said and kiss him. I came around the corner and looked at them. Seems like they're in a make out session." Hmmm." i thought. I pick up a random movie

and threw it at the girl's head." What the Fuck!" she yelled and turned around to see me." Why the hell did you do that?" she said screaming at me." Well cause one, why not and two, your making out

with my movie buddy Hun." i said." Doesn't mean you should throw a movie at me." she said rubbing her head." Hmm i think it does." i replied back." Aren't you going to do something about

it."she continue to yelled. Just when Aiden was about to say answer, the worker at the store told her to stop the yelling. That's when me and Aiden started to laugh. She got all angry and stomped out of the store.

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