They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 48

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I close the door and walk over to the bed. I sat down next to Vincent and look at him. Vincent sigh and look at me." Listen, things will be getting tougher as you continue living here. Yes i know you already been through enough as it is, but it gets worst from time to time. I have a secret house that i take Aiden and sometimes my wife if she comes home. I know school is starting soon and you must be kind of nervous. I just want to let you know i really hope you do well in school and not get into to much fights if you can promise me that." Vincent said." I promise." I said." You are allow to have people in the house as long as they stay with you most of the time. Your curfew is eleven on weekdays and one on weekends if you are ever out. If you are not gonna make it on time, make sure you call. Also, I will provide you a new phone just for reinsurance. Other than that is all i can think of for now. Oh, by the way, i will provide you a house key for the front and back door. Just in case if your not with Aiden." Vincent said finishing what he had to say. I looked at him nodding at everything he had said. There was a knock on the door. I  gotten up and open it to Aiden." It seems like you have gotten the talk too." Aiden said walking in. I close the door back and nodded." Don't be to afraid though; that stuff rarely happens." Aiden said. Vincent stood up and look at Aiden." Ready for the greeting?" Vincent said to Aiden." I been ready." Aiden said smiling. I look at them both confused, but very curious. They simultaneously cross their legs, put one arm over their chest and one behind their back, and with both their hairs are dangling in front of them." It is a pleasure to have you in our home. I hope you enjoy yourself to the fullest extended and we always look forward to the day when we meet again." Vincent and Aiden said at the same time. I smile and laugh at them both. They raise their heads up and look at me with a smiling face. I did the same position they did." I will enjoy living in your home. It is a pleasure for you both to even welcome me into your home and I always look forward to the day when we meet again." I said. We all laugh and stood up straight." Its been ages since we did that to anyone." Aiden said smiling." Yeah it has, we only do this for ever special guest and for you." Vincent said winking at me. I laugh and smile at them both." Well, i feel very special that you guys did that for me." I said. Vincent smooth his hair back and yawn." Well, I'm going to my room for a nap. I welcome the Jade to your new home." Vincent said walking to the door , looking back at us, and then leaving. I fall back on my bed and Aiden did the same." Its going to fun having you here Jade." Aiden said turning his head looking at me." Yes. Yes it will." I said staring back at him smiling. Aiden also smiles back as we just lie there staring at each other.

Finally done! I been holding this last chapter off for ages, but i finally got it done. I do not know when i will be starting the new story for this. Hopefully, i will try to get it done as soon as i can. I wanna put as much more action, drama, and adventure into the new story. And yes, the characters from the whole story will go into the next one. No names will be change. I don't want to confused anyone by changing names and besides, finding names is hard >w<. But look out for the new story it might go out in a couple of hours or maybe the next day to the whole week who knows. I can't wait for you guys to read it. Thank you for reading this one and i hope, i really hope you enjoy the next story C:.

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