They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 10

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We left out the house and into the car. Aiden started up the car and the song Hold On by Korn started to play. We listen to it on the way to Aiden's friend house. When we got there it was a simple nice house. It was light blue and a nice decent yard cover with toys, bikes, and a skateboard or two. Aiden park in

front of the house and turn the car off." Listen." he said looking at me." My friend will seem to be sad, it is because he got cheated on." Aiden said." Awww I'm sorry." i said." Its alright he will be okay if we don't talk about it." Aiden said as we both got out the car." Okay." i smiled as we walk towards the door.

Aiden knock on it and the door open to a shirtless well-builted guy. I stare at him. He had bright green eyes and looks about 5'8." Hey Aiden whats up." he said slapping hands with Aiden." Who is the cute girl right beside you." he said. Aiden laugh and i blush." Xander this is Jade. Jade this is Xander."

Aiden said doing a friendly introduction. We both said our greetings as we step into the house. It was a little messy, but it look good too." Xander!" a girl's voice whine." Where are you?" she said coming down the stairs." So why is she here?" Aiden said looking at Xander? She said she wants

to get back together Xander said." After she cheated on you with how many guys and she is thinking about getting back with you?" Aiden said about to yell. The girl finally came down the stairs. She had on a belly tank top and a short short mini skirt." Hey Aiden." the girl wave to him and then glare at

me." Hey Chloe." Aiden said under his breath." So who are you." she said turning to me." Jade." i said looking back at her." It seems like we could make really good friends." she said with a fake smile." Sorry i don't like back-stabbing fakes." i said with a straight face.

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