They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 5

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 After our little pillow fight, we both lay down side by side in the bed. Breathing heavily i turn and look at him. "I won." i said." Psssh please, you were begging me to stop." he said." Keep think that." i  laughed." I'm tired." i said closing my eyes." Same after that pillow fight." he said closing his eyes. Soon we both drifted to sleep.

Hours later:

We were both shaking up awake." Jade...Aiden... wake up its dinner time." Vincent said trying to wake us up. We moan and groan, but we got up anyways. We all walk into the kitchen to see Chinese take outs." Well, since it is your first day here mind as well have some take outs." Vincent

said." Hooray." i said looking at all the great food." Chinese was always my favorite food for take outs and you got all mine favorites." i said almost drooling." Weird cause those are some of mine

favorites too." Aiden said sitting next to me. We all dig in into the awesome Chinese food. Ten minutes later we were all stuff." Thank you Vincent." i said." No need to thank me it is either food or

starve." Vincent said smiling. We all laugh and look at the time. 7:45 p.m." So when am i starting this "new school"." i said." Monday at the best." Vincent said." Cool." i said picking at my teeth." So

Aiden we are still on for movie night." i said looking at him." If you want too." he said." Then we must get a movie then." i said jumping out of mine seat." But what kind of movie?" Aiden said." Poop!" i

shout sitting down." Well we should be able to find something, the Movie store closes at 8:30 so we should get going now and it is not that far like a couple of blocks." Aiden said standing up." Okay!" i

said stand up again. Vincent gave Aiden the money and told us to be careful. And off we left to the movie store.

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