They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 24

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The next day, Lachlan is leaving today. "You are coming to visit us right." I said looking at him." Of course. Why wouldn't I?" he said collecting his stuff from the nurse. I just shrug and look at him." Don't ya get out of here in like two three days?" Lach said." Yeah. After they are done with the rest of the test, we are out of here." I said." Well congratulations. Since we already miss a whole week of school, I will start when you guys start." Lach said." Awwww." I said." Thanks bro, but you don’t have to do that for us." Aiden said." But I want to though." Lach said." You my friend are awesome." I said smiling. Lach laugh." Don't mention it, but I heard you guys will be having a new roommate." Lach said smiling." Do you know who it is?" I said curiously." No clue what so ever." Lach said shrugging." Aren’t you very helpful?" I said laughing a little." Of course" Lach said smiling." I'm actually quiet excite whom our fellow new roommate will be." I said lying down. A nurse came in to straighten out the bed." It seems your new roomy will be coming in sooner than we expected to be." lach said smiling a little." Yup Yup, I can’t wait." I said quite excited. Lachlan's mom came in with a bag in her hands." The paper work is done and now you can go home now." Lach's mom Charlotte said." Awww we will miss you guys." I said." Like I said, I will visit everyday till ya get out." Lachlan said." Oh yea right I forgot." I said laughing a little. The nurse left then came back with a guy on a stretcher. Two more guys follow in with her. They didn’t look so strong, but eeh that’s their job." They grab the sheets and lift him onto the bed; they huff a little then left out the room. We all look at the new guy who took Lachlan's place. He had stitches on his arm and throat and looks very pale." Mmmhm, that guy looks familiar." Aiden said looking at him more closely.

Sorry for the long wait O:

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