They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 35

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Normal P.O.V

Aiden and Angel walk into a very bright room. They had to shield their eyes before finally adjusting to the light. They walk up the the reception desk in the front; and came upon a women wearing a white dress,bright red color hair with a nurse hat, and dark red color lipstick." Hello, may i help you." she said looking at them." Has anyone recently have come here?" Aiden said with hope." The receptionist went to her computer screen for a quick second then went back to them." Yes, actually we had four come in today. Would you like me to give you their room numbers?" she said pulling out a sticky notes and a pen." We would be grateful if you did." Angel said smiling. The receptionist wrote the number's down and handed to them. You have about 25 minutes, because visiting hours will be over." the receptionist said. They both nodded and rush looking for these doors.

Jade's P.O.V

Once i finally got this hospital gown on, i walk to the door and open it.I look left then right wonder which way to go. I decided to take a left and went on my way to finding some help. I travel on down the hallway not know where I'm going. Sometimes i would look inside the room to see if anyone was in there. Most of the time they were either sleeping or the room was just empty. As i continue on, i see there was a door crack open. I walk to the door and took a peak inside. Inside was the not doctor man, but this time he was in his nurse outfit. Right beside him was another one of his victims. I gasp and back away a little. I look left than right hoping someone, anyone would come by.

Aiden and Angel's P.O.V

When they finally got to the last door, they look through the window to see just an empty room." Where could she be?" Aiden said laying his back against the wall and sliding down." Maybe she left?" Angel said with a guess." Maybe she did." Aiden said then sigh as he got up. They started walking to the left, so they can clear their minds. When they turn the corner; they say a girl who looks frighten, had messy hair, and was in a hospital gown shaking. When we walk closer, that girl was Jade.

Jade P.O.V

I wasn't beyond okay. I needed to help her; but im very weak in my condition. I hear feet tapping against the floor. As i turn my head, i couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.

It is the new year of the year 2012 new chapters hopefully i will finish this story soon. :D I hope everyone had a good new year. Stay calm and party on. n.  n

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