They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 11

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I got stares from everyone. Chloe had her mouth wide open like she was pimp slap. " Who do you think you are talking to?" she said glaring at me. "Well." i said stepping up. " It seems like i'm talking to the head bitch in charge." i spit back. "Look!" she yelled." "I know you only been here for a day, but play

with me and you will get mess up." she said flipping her hair back. I was about to jump her but Aiden caught me. "No fighting in the house, there's children here." Aiden said whispering in my ear. I shake my head and calm down a little. We stay for a little while longer as most of the conversation almost

end up in fights. Well just me and that Chloe chick. Aiden and I had finally left and we drove off to get lunch. It wasn't a long drive, but we got there. We pull up into this diner call, Daisy's Diner. "From breakfast to midnight snakes, Daisy will always be here." Aiden said walking up to the door, holding it

out for me. I walk in and it was small and pretty. It had booths and stools like those diners you see in those old movies. " This is amazing!" i said with amazement. Aiden laugh and walked to one of the stools. I went and sat next to him grabbing a menu. Everything on the menu sound so good i though i was drooling on the counter.

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