They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 42

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When the plan was into set, i hid in the hospital closet that was in my room, but left it crack for me to see the action. Vincent and Angel had their pillows in their hands." On the count of three we will give him a wake of his life." Angel said getting a good grip on the pillow." One. Two. Three." Angel said then started to hit Aiden with the pillows. Vincent follows after him as they start beating Aiden with the pillows. Aiden jump up in his seat only to get knock down on the ground." Dude! What was that for." Aiden said rubbing the sleep from his eyes." We wanted to give you a grand of a surprise wake up call from yours truly." Angel said smiling." Yeah, yeah, yeah." Aiden said as he stood you. Aiden stretch and hug his father hello. Then he look at the empty hospital bed. Panic started to grow upon him." Um, where's Jade?" Aiden said getting up. Angel and Vincent both look at each other than back to Aiden. Aiden look at him confused." What's going on?" Aiden said panicking more." Bad news bro. They took her back. They said it didn't look good." Angel said looking down." Wow. Angel is a pretty good actor." i thought to myself. Aiden look at Vincent." Is it true?" Aiden said talking to Vincent." I'm sorry son." Vincent said looking away. Aiden feel on his knees then bends down, letting his hair fall on his face. I crept out of the closet and walk over to him. I went on my knees and hug him." I'm sorry Aiden." i said trying hard not to smile. I can feel Aiden shaking." Can you at least look up and see me?" i said to Aiden. Aiden stop shaking and sat up. He look behind himself and saw me smiling. Aiden look at Vincent and Angel. Then we all started cracking up laughing." Who knew that would possible work?" I said laughing more. Aiden look confused." What is going on?"  he said looking at me." Well, my dear. We kind of pull a prank on you." i said wiping away my tears. Aiden look at me then at Vincent and Angel." You guys are some cruel people." Aiden said smiling a little. I stood up and bow." Thank you. Thank you." i said." I couldn't haven't done all of this without Vincent and Angel." i said giving them recongizion.

Author's note: I need you guys opinion. I have this story on a different website and it is call." I Was Adopted By A Rich Guy And His Son." Should i put it on here for people to read it too or should i just keep it at that website?

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