They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 41

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Normal P.O.V.

I rush into the bathrooms and into one of the stalls. After i came out of the stalls i went to the sink and wash my hands. I was thinking about what had happen earlier and all the drama. When i came out the bathroom, i walk back to my room. Just when I was about to turn the corner, I bump into someone, knocking us both on the ground." I'm so sorry. I did not see you there." i said as i look up to see Vincent."Nah, don't worry about it." Vincent says as he look up as well to see me."Oh, hey!" we both say then we laugh. Vincent stood up and then hold out his hand towards me. I took it and then he pulls me up." What are you doing here?" i said turning my head to the side." Aiden told me what happen to you, so i came down here to see if you are alright." Vincent said." I feel pretty fine after my nap." i said as i stretch and then walk into my room. When Vincent and I walk back to the room, Aiden and Angel were still asleep. I creep into bed, then watch them sleep. Vincent came to my bed side and also watch. Then i told him about the drama that happen throughout the day. When i finish, Angel started to stir in his sleep, then he woke up." Well, someone finally awoke from their dream land." i said. Angel stretch and yawn as he try to get the sleep out of him." Same to you my dear." Angel said as he put his arms on my bed then nod at Vincent. We all look at Aiden, then a plan crept into my mind." Angel my dear how about we play a prank on our dear old friend Aiden." i said looking at him." What kind of prank my lady." Angel said. I crawl over and whisper in his ear my plan. A smirk crept upon Angel's face. When i finish telling him the plan, i climb out the bed. I handed Angel a pillow." Vincent, we will need you in this plan." i said." You're not gonna hurt my son are you." Vincent said." Aww not too bad my dear." i said." I whisper to Vincent what he needed to do. He wasn't too pleased by it, but after numerous times of beging and brides, he finally caved in.

Moshi moshi fans of my work. Sorry for the very, very,very, VERY long wait. I am here and so is this story. It is summer vacation for me, so i have lots of time to continue on this story. I will post maybe 42 to whatever maybe 45,46 maybe. Hopefully i will try to get it done by this week, so then i can start on part two of this story. n.  n Soooo Live long and stay sexy.

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