They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 45

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I look up at the blond who grab my hair." Do you want something?" i said looking at her." You honestly don't remember do you." she said." If i did, do you think we would be in this situation." i said nonchalant. She started to squeeze my hair tightly and i yell out a shrinking sound." Because of you my chances with Xander is over." she said yelling at my faces. It took me a second to realize who they were." Ohhhh!, now i remember who you guys are. Long time no see isn't it." i was smiling." Ugh, what the hell is wrong with you. Someone is holding your hair tightly and all you going to do and smile and say something like we are friends? Are you kidding me?" the blond said yanking more of my hair. I let out another shrinking sound." Isn't your name like Chloe or something." i said." Yes it is and the brunette beside me is Natalie, Aiden's girlfriend and the one you threw the DVD at." Chloe said as she move my head to face Natalie. I burst out laughing." So what? What are you gonna do to me." i said looking at Chloe." We are gonna mess you up." Chloe said." Your gonna mess me up? Your gonna mess me up?! Girl look at you, you already mess up and i am not complaining." i said smiling. Chloe had this angry look on her face. Then she start to drag me out the store. We went past Aiden. Angel, and Vincent." Don't worry guys, everything is gonna be fine." i said. Natalie follow along behind me and gave Aiden a quick kiss before leaving the store. Chloe threw me on the concrete ground and stood over me. I sat up and just look at her." Well? Do what you gotta do, but i will not hold back." i said giving her my understanding. She grab some of my hair again and pick me up by force. Without warning my forehead hit the glass of the ice cream parlor hard.

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