They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 32

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Normal P.O.V

The elevator door open as Aiden and Angel step out." Okay now follow me." Aiden said leading the way to the door. When they arrive there, Aiden try to open the door again." Its lock still!" Aiden said madly." And may i ask whats behind there?" Angel said confused about the who situation." Well you see, when i came to this door a doctor came out. Then he gave me some bullsh*t excuse to why he was in there and left nervously. And now i know he is hiding something and i wanna know what it is." Aiden said looking around the hallway." Maybe Jade is in there. Maybe that's why that doctor gave such a horrible excuse." Angel said." That's what i was thinking, but now i can't get the door open cause its lock." Aiden said frustrated about the whole situation." Maybe we should find a security guard or a doctor who might have a key on this floor to every room." Angel said." Smart idea. I go right and you go left." Aiden said getting a head start." Alright, meet you back here then." Angel said departing as well.

Jade's P.O.V

I fell asleep once the doctor lock the door. A few minutes later, i heard the doorknob jingle.I sat straight up and move to the farthest, darkest corner in the room and try to make me as tiny as possible. The doorknob stop jingling and everything went silence. I look at the door for a long time and sigh. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. I started to think whats gonna happen to me. What will he do to me. If someone will find and save me from here. Next thing i know, i fallen asleep.

Aiden's P.O.V

I found a security guard and rush him back to the closet door. When we gotten there, Angel was stand there with one also." Took you long enough." Angel said with a grin on his face." Shut up." I said smiling as he playfully punch Angel on the arm." Come come open the door please." Angel said to one of the guards. One of the guards open the door to closet and back away. I walk in first and froze. I look back at Angel and said." There's no one here." I said as I looks back in the closet.

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