They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 22

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The nurse came back with two doctors." What seems to be the problem." said the doctor with jet black hair and really pretty green eyes." We need to pee." i said to him." Hmm seems like we got a situation." said the other doctor with brown hair and black eyes whom seems to wear glasses." Well you." the jet black doctor said going to Lach." You need crutches which i will provide for you. And you too." He said pointing to me and Aiden." Ya can't function your legs yet so you need wheelchairs."he said. We both groan as he say this. They all left to go get crutches and wheelchairs. We waited trying to hold in our pee. When they finally got back, they gave Lach his crutches; and they put me and Aiden in our wheelchairs. They push us all the way to the bathroom and help us onto the seats. (Hope you know they are not together in the bathroom. You know boys in one and girls in the other). We got finish as we all felt some relief." Man, i thought i was going to explode." I said to them as they got out of the bathrooms themselves." I know right. It felt nice letting it all free." Lach said then we all started to laugh. They push us back into our room as we try to get comfy." I guess i wont be staying in long." Lachlan said looking at us." Indeed you won't, but look at us. We made it." Aiden said looking at us. We both nod then smile." So, what are we supposed to do now?" I said looking at them. Lachlan and Aiden shrub. Just as i was about to turn on the tv,   there were loud noises coming outside our room.    


Ugh sorry for the long wait. I forgot all about it. lolz im sorry. Im also sorry it took me this long to post. You know stuff. Now it is summer vaction and im going to try to finish this story O:. If i can... Now right now im like brain dead so im going to try to figure out some ideas to make it better c:. Live long and stay sexy O: o-  o lolz.

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