They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 15

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We turn our heads to see this guy. He was tall,slender,and had medium choppy hair." Dude!" Aiden said slapping hands with each other." Hey man,i haven't seen you all week." the stranger said with an Australia accent." Oh hey Lachlan, this is Jade. Jade meet my Australian friend Lachlan."Aiden said

greeting us." Hey Jade." Lachlan said kissing mine hand. I blushed." Hello." I replied back. Aiden laughed and patted Lachlan on the back." Always the lady's man Lach."Aiden said laughing a little." I know your not the one to talk." Lach said playfully punching Aiden's arm." So, what were you guys

doing." Lach said." We were just going around the merry-go-round; and what were you doing walking out here by yourself." Aiden said questioning him." I was bored,so i was taking a walk in the park."Lachlan said." Well, since your here, you can come join us."Aiden said as we both lay back

down.Lach came over and lay beside me.We all started to chat and spin around and around.It started to get dark and the street lights came on."Lachlan its like really dark. Do you really want to go home by yourself?"Aiden said concern." Well its the only way. I left mine cellphone at home."

Lach said." How about you stay with us?" i said looking at them both." I have no clothes and school is tomorrow." Lach replied back." You and Aiden are about the same size, you can wear his clothes." i said giving out an suggesting." Is that alright with you bro?" Lach said." Yea, i dont want

my friend going home at this hour of the night where someone could possible kill you."Aiden said exggerating a little.We both look at him and laugh a little.We started to walk home. As more and more streetlights begin to come on,a figure with a flashlight appear ahead.

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