They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 30

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Jade's P.O.V.

I headbutted him away from me." I said i don't feel the way you feel. I can never love you, even if you force me too." i said looking at him. He look at me with mix emotion of sadness and anger. He tighten his fist into a ball and shaken with anger. I look at him kind of scary and i slowly try to scoot back." You don't realize how much you mean to me. You don't get my feelings for you. I been waiting to tell you every since you got out of sleep, but never had the chance too. And now that i did it and was completely rejected. You don't realize how much you hurt me." he said looking at me with tears." Look, i'm sorry okay. I didn't mean for all of this to happen. I just really don't feel anything." i said. He was very angry then he glare at me hard." I will hurt you just the way you hurt me." he said as he fiercely grab my chin and kissing me again. I struggle against him as he bluntly push me to the ground." Stop it." i said struggling more." Can you feel it? Can you feel the pain i went through?" he said looking down at me.

Angle and Aiden's P.O.V

We both crawl into bed and sigh as we look at the empty bed that used to be Jade." I hope she comes back safely." Angel said sadden." Yeah, i wonder where she could be right now." Aiden said looking down.

Jade's P.O.V

"I feel so expose."i thought as he had ripe off my shirt. He touch me gently as i whimper." You look beautiful." he said staring in awe as he gets hard." Please no more of this. I'm sorry i hurt you. I really didn't mean too."i said trying to convince him to give off me, untie me, and let me go." I love you, but i can't let you go. I don't want to let you go." he said unbuttoning his pants and pulling down his zipper. He pulls out his (you know what ;)) and stare at me. I look at him and struggle again." Please don't. I beg of you." i said wishing someone will burst through the saving my life.

Angel and Aiden's P.O.V

" You know what, we should get off our ass and go find Jade." Aiden said crawling out of bed." Yea we should, but where do you start?" Angel said getting out of bed as well." Well, since there are like six floors. You start looking at the first three, and i do the other three. Since it would be easier than looking together floor after floor together." Aiden said." Sounds like a plan my dear friend." Angel said as they both left out the door. They departed as Aiden got on the elevator and click the fourth floor. The elevator door closed and up he went." Hope to be able to find you Jade."Aiden thought as the doors to the fourth floor open.

Chapter 30. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! :D

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