They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 47

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We all got our ice cream. We sat down devouring the tasty goodness that has flooded our mouths. When we finish, we clean up our mess and left out of the store into the car. Vincent started up the car and pull out of the parking space." So Angel, where do you live actually?" Vincent said. I live in a apartment complex near the 120 district ." Angel said." Luckily i know where that is." Vincent said. Then we all began to talk about what happen at the ice cream parlor and other stuff. When we finally arrive at the apartment complex, we all got out and follow Angel to his home. He pull a key from out of a fake plant and open the door. When he walk in, we see his mother vacuuming in the living room." Hello mother." Angel said walking over to her giving her a kiss on the cheek." Angel, we didn't know you were coming home today." Angel's mother said." Nah, don't worry about it." Angel said to his mother." So who are these people you have brought over?" Angel's mother said." Well, this is Vincent, Jade, and Aiden." Angel said pointing at us. His mother reach out her hand." It is a pleasure to meet you all." she said as we all shake her hand." Well, doesn't she seem nice." I said. " Yes, yes she is." Angel said looking and hugging his mother." Well, we should get going." Vincent said." Yeah we should. I could really go for a shower." Aiden said." Yeah, me too." Angel said. Aiden and I hug Angel then left. We all walk to the car and drove off to home. The car ride home was quiet except for Vincent talking on the phone from time to time.

When we arrive home, me and Aiden walk into the house and into our rooms for a shower, and Vincent left off to somewhere. When i got out the shower, i put on some yoga pants and a tank top. As i was drying off my hair, i heard a knock on the door. I walk over to the door and open it to see Vincent standing there." Well hello." i said moving out the way so he can walk in." Hello Jade. We need to talk about something." Vincent said going over my bed and sat down.

I know i know it has been too long since i posted another chapter, but i finally got it in. I am pretty sure the next chapter will be the last one then i go on to part 2 n.  n.

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