They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 29

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Normal P.O.V:

Aiden and Angel went up to the front desk. As they  turn the corner, there was a long line." Ugh!." Aiden said." Well. This is a hospital you know." Angel said getting in line." Yeah yeah yeah." Aiden said going to stand beside him. There were a lot of people whom were either injury or just visiting. The line started to get shorter and shorter till we finally made it up front. The lady at front look at them as she smack on her gum." May i help you?" she said." We lost our roommate." Aiden said looking at her." And... what am i supposed to do?" she said. Aiden and Angel look at her starstruck." Are you kidding me? You could at least get securityor someone on the job." Angel replied back." How long has this "person" been missing for?" the lady said." Like an hour? im guessing." Aiden said." If they haven't been missing for twenty four hours then they are not missing under these hospital and police rules." the lady said spitting out her gum. They both sigh in defeat." Come back here in twenty-three hours, mmmhm kay." She said unwrapping a stick of gum and sticking it in her mouth." Fine." they both said as they departed to their rooms in defeat.

Jade's P.O.V

The lights flicker on to see i'm guessing a doctor. I turn my head to the side in confusion." Are you a doctor? Or a male nurse? Or something?" i said in confusion as i try to get a closer look." I'm a male nurse." he said taking off the doctor coat." Then why were you dress like you were an actually doctor?" i said suddenly confused." ITS A DISGUISE OKAY!." he said raising his voice." Okay okay no need to get hostile." i said looking away." By the way, what do you want from me." i said glazing back at him." I want everything from you. I wanna feel the warmth inside you. I want you to love me!" he said going insane with his words."Why me?" i said backing away from him." Since when you were first roll in from the accident i couldn't help myself. When i had to help clean you up. You look beautiful. I was dying to know who you are, where your from, everything about you i crave the need to know. I found all your paper works and i try to memorize everything. I know your name to your blood type. Jade you are the one for me." he said confessing everything to me. I look at him kind of creep out and starstruck. He walk up to me and put a hand under my chin and tilt my head up so i would be looking him in the eyes." I care about you. You are all i need." he said getting close so our lips almost touch." But, i don't feel the same way. I don't crave what you crave." i said rejecting him. His hand tighten on my chin." Then i will make you love me. Even if i have to use force." He said kissing me hard.

Surprise surprise its finish :D

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