They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 18

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As Vincent left out the room, Aiden turn his head to see Jade laying on the bed hopefully asleep.Then he started to think about Lach and how he was doing. The doctor came in and took off the oxygen mask off Aiden's face.He did i few things and check on him.Also did the same to Jade too.The doctor and Vincent left out the room to chat about whatever.Aiden then hears movement as he turns to see Jade moving in her hospital bed. Jade P.O.V --> I started to stir in mine sleep.I open mine eyes and groan from the bright light.As mine eyes adjust to the lightening again,i turn mine head to the side to see Aiden awake.Normal P.O.V --> "Aiden! Your awake!"i said smiling at him." Jade! You are too".Aiden said laughing a little."I'm so glad your okay."i said." Yeah! same to you."he said smiling.Vincent came back in to see me awake."Look who is finally awake."Vincent said walking over to me."Yea.I guess you can say that."i said trying to sit up, but it hurt more than anything."Tell them to bring Lach in."Aiden said looking at Vincent."I can ask a doctor if they could bring him in.If that would help?"Vincent said looking at Aiden and Me."If you could, that would be wonderful."I said answering for us both.Vincent left out the room to go find a doctor. As we both wait, the only sound that is coming out the room was the machines and the people in the hallways.I look at Aiden and he had his eyes closed."Aiden."i whisper to him."Mmmhm."He replied back."I'm bored, entertain me."i said whining to him."What am i supposed to do laying down in the hospital bed?"He said looking at me."Think, your smart, you are supposed to know these things."I said laughing alittle."Are you laughing at me"?Aiden said laughing a little."Maybe i am.Maybe im not."i said smiling big."Oh! When we get out you are so dead." He said smiling back.


I'm so sorry i took so long Q  -Q i promise to update as fast as i can. It took me like three days to do this D;. I'm really sorry for those who had to wait. And also HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY :D c:

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