They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 25

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The new guy who enter our room stir in his bed and slowly woke up. We all look at him as his eyes adjusted to the light. The room was silent till i broke the ice." Hello new roommate whom i met a few seconds ago." i said smiling. He turn his head and look at me. He groan a little and said," Hello." i smile and gave him the friendly introduction to everyone." Well my name is Jade, that guy on the crutches is Lachlan, and beside him is his mom; and lastly me new brother Aiden whom is laying on the next hospital bed beside me." i said finishing my introduction." Angel. My name is Angel." He said." Angel? Angel Cole?" Aiden said." Yeah. How you know me?" Angel said sitting up on his elbow." Its me! Aiden, we have every class together." Aiden said." Oh Hey! what are you doing in the hospital?" Angel said." Hit and  run accident and what about you?" Aiden said." Well... A fail suicide attempt as you can see." Angel said pointing at his wrist then neck." Why?" Aiden said." Life for me is hard. I have parents yelling and abusing me. I get bully on the streets and at school. So what is the point of living anymore." Angel said nearly in tears. We all look at him. I climb out of bed and walk over to him and hug him tightly." Why didn't you not tell someone about this?" I said in tears." Well... who would listen to me? Come on my name is Angel. A guy with that name would easily get beat up for it." Angel said." I would listen if you just came and ask me. I am not like everyone else you know." Aiden said getting up and going to Angel's hospital bed." I guess i never really thought about it." Angel said looking away ashamed." Well we are all here if you need us." i said smiling a little." Yea and if you need a place to stay you can always come visit us any time of the day." Aiden said smiling too." Thank you very much for caring for someone like. A person like me would be judge easily."Angel said smile also." We don't judge. Only judges and god can judge my outcome." i said. Angel laugh a little." So when are you getting out of here?" i said." In a few days." Angel said." Good! so that means it will give us time to get to know each other." I said smiling more.


Sorry for the super duper long wait. I have a life outside my computer but now i have a new one. i will post 26 later since you guys deserve it for the long wait. hope you enjoy this chapter. Just ignore the typos or misinform subjects. i will correct that later. :D Enjoy!

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