They Sold Me To A Mafia Family Ch. 3

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As Vincent finally gotten into the car and drove away; i was seeing the neighborhood i have grown up in the past 15 years flown by me. It was silent in the car ride except for the radio playing some unknown

song by some unknown person i never heard of. We left out of the neighborhood and moving towards town." Jade." Vincent said." You will be going to school with Aiden and i rearrange that so you two to

have at least have a couple of classes together. Also since we don't have a room prepare for you yet, so, you will be bunking in with Aiden." Vincent said. I stare at him in shock and look at Aiden who

seems to be completely out a.k.a asleep." Also, since none of us can really cook well you will be doing all of it." Vincent replied finishing. I look at him in disbelief and turn to look at the window. The car was

quiet again except Aiden's softly snoring. 30 minutes later we finally stop at this huge minor. It was white and taller than most of the buildings in the neighborhood. As we finally pull up, i was staring in

awe. Aiden came and whisper in my ear;" close your mouth or you will catch flies in your month." Aiden said. I hit him playfully and went to get my stuff. After closing the trunk and walking into the house, i

followed Aiden to his room. He open the door and again i was in awed. It was this dark red and black room. I huge television hanging on the wall, a nice looking couch, and a really huge bed that could fit like four people in there." I think I'm going to like this place." i said putting my stuff in a corner.

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